Test User Permissions
Hello, I am a system admin and would love a way to log in as one of the licensed users on my plan to be able to check their permissions and see what they see, in order to better instruct them and help them navigate Smartsheet.
Change the source sheet on Data Mesh
I've just started with Data Mesh and my only problem is not being able to change the source sheet. There is often new informational sheets I need to update and instead of having to make a new Data Mesh and delete the old one, it would be nice to be able to change the source sheet to reflex our changes. Thanks
Multiple delete/disable for conditional formatting
Currently, I have to click on each conditional formatting rule and click disable or delete on a sheet. Major use for a check box type list so that I can either disable, delete, or modify multiple formatting rules together.
Send an email update to a row without direct email integration
Many project management and CRM tools I've used provide an email address for each project in order to use it to forward an email update directly to the row (or use the CC with this email so the email record goes directly into the row comments/conversation). Smartsheets should offer the ability to view the address (for…
Accessible link in automation message
Currently, the automation sends a link in an email as is, meaning the link text and the link URL are the same. This does not meet our accessibility criteria for long and meaningless links. What it looks like today (made up link, not real): What it should look like: Select the entry form And when the user selects the link,…
Restore Row Number in Alerts
Before the recent cosmetic changes made to Smartsheet email alerts, there was a row number referenced for any row being alerted on. After the changes, this row referenced was removed, so there's no way to find the row within the sheet unless you Ctrl + F information from the alert. Having a way for the person being alerted…
Copy row without formatting
It would be very helpful if the automation to copy a row from one sheet to another could be done without the formatting going along for the ride. It's tedious to have to undo formatting from the source sheet in the target every time a row is added.
Approval Notifications or Simplification for multiple workflows
Currently, if you have an approval workflow that has Mutiple workflows, it will send notifications for each of the workflows. To prevent this, you have to add another condition prior to the notification. Basically, the first condition is not relevant once it gets past the approval notification. I would like the first…
Collapse Select Data Source Menu When Cell Linking
When cell linking into another sheet, the data source file selection menu is defaulted to fully expanded and it would be more user friendly to have it defaulted to collapsed
Implementing SmartSheet Projects into Resource Management for Generating Analytics Reports
Issue: I am manually inserting projects from Smartsheet (Gantt View ) into Resource Management Worklist to generate full analytic reports. I have been manually inserting each phases, team member names, and work items. This is extremely time consuming giving all the projects being tracked on Smartsheet. Resolution:…