Duplicate a Datamesh
My team depends on a series of "working" sheets (target sheets) that have a set of predetermined columns that all populate data from a central "data" sheet (source sheet). The data sheet stays static, but the working sheets are frequently added. The ability to duplicate a datamesh and simply change the target sheet would…
Dynamic Sizing of Dashboard Widgets
There are many times we show data within report widgets and there is a of whitespace due to not many things being in the report. The suggestion would be to have the widget adjust its size based on the number of displayed rows. Two things that would make it even better... Have a checkbox that allows setting to dynamic, in…
Resource Management Enhancements
Please add the following: Ability to rename RM reports. Deleting and recreating was inconvenient, but tolerable in the past. Now, with Advanced Reports, it creates a lot of extra work in Smartsheet (i.e. updating report/dashboard customizations, etc.) Ability to change the column width of the list of Saved Reports (i.e.…
Report over sheet that have a published with edit rights link
The ability to have a report that allows editing to users that only has edit access to sheets from a published link. Use case: I have a published edit rights access link to a project test sheet on the dashboard for the testers. Due to the volume the testers are not granted permissions individually. Challenge: I have…
Multiple Owners to add users to Smartsheet Groups
Problem: Currently, only one person, the owner of a Smartsheet Group, can add people to a group. This causes a delay for users seeking permissions to workspaces, sheets, etc. The owner must remember to switch ownership to another person if they are going to be out of the office. Otherwise, users can't be added to the group…
Allow User to Expand the Text Box for Customize Messages in Automations
Please add the ability to expand the text box when writing text for a customized message that is part of an automation. In most software, this means an option to click on the bottom right corner of the box and drag it out to expand it. It is helpful to see the entire message when drafting it, and later when reviewing or…
Filter on cell value
A filter option to filter on the value of the selected cell. I believe the correct term is 'Filter on Value'. The right click filter feature will return all of the rows in that column that has the same value as the cell that is selected. Thank you.
Sheet - Format Cell Border
The ability to format cell borders with line style and color.
Expand and/or notify of character limit in drop-down values
Unless I'm missing the information, it would be nice if there was some pop-up message that indicated that a character limit has been exceeded when creating drop-down values; and/or the character limit could be expanded above 100; background is I (and others) spent lots of hours trying to figure out why some of my drop-down…
Automation to send separate notifications per row when a date is reached
It would be helpful if there was an automation that will send one row per notification, when a date is reached, with attachments. For example, if I have a sheet that has orders that need to be placed, and a column on each row for the date that I would like the orders to be sent. Currently, the automation to "Remind someone…