Multiple Hyperlinks
It would be extremely helpful to be able to put multiple hyperlinks in one cell.
Smartsheet Automation Trigger AND Capability
Right now, the Smartsheet Automation Trigger allows multiple criteria but the default in the statement logic is only OR. There is no option to replace OR with AND. Can you please add this?
Direct Email Approval Button for Smartsheet Automation Workflows
Integrate a direct approval button within the email notification itself that allows users to approve or reject requests without the need to transition to a web browser. This button would perform the same security checks and record the same audit trails as the current browser-based approval, ensuring that the process…
More abilities to edit and design forms
We are moving away from survey monkey to using Smartsheet forms for surveys. Would love the ability to edit the design and placement of fields, logos and headings (placement, font size font color, etc.). The ability to create a matrix grid form where you can have the question as the row title and the answer as column…
Request for Image-Friendly Formula Capability
I just tried searching within the Community to see if this is available, and I do see some discussion about it... With that said, I don't believe this is a "new" idea particularly, however, I'm adding in more support for this request! I have been finding increasing use and value in the Document Builder feature... I have 14…
Group widgets in dashboards
When moving widgets around in a dashboard it is increadibly difficult to move the order and placement of widgets. While you can select multiple widgets to move them, you can't group them so that they move together when another widget is being moved near them.
Activity Log Should Always Have Data
The sheet activity log shows a row was deleted but it does not show the deleted data if it was deleted using an external application like Data Shuttle. This should be fixed.
Add new rows/line items in reports
Bi-directional information is what makes reports awesome. Being able to add new rows directly within a report would be helpful if I only want some people working in a certain report so that they only see certain information. They could then work directly within that report and not have to bother with other reports/sheets.
Editing in progress suggestion
Hello, I have been using Smartsheet for many years and have built many solutions. Over the past year, my role has been to develop solutions in Smartsheet as we've launched a new department. With a new department, we have many new processes to develop and many "firsts". With so much innovation embedded in our processes, our…
Transform rows in columns
It would be very useful to have a function or automation that allows to copy (based on a selection criterion), the values in the rows of a column and transpose them on a single row of another sheet, on a corresponding number of columns. Example: In a source sheet I have a column with an identifier code; I want to copy all…