Default color palette for color-blind accessibility.
I know that Smartsheet has the ability to change color palettes with its features. I was hoping that you could please change any default color palettes to be color-blind palettes, for accessibility concerns. For instance if any of your features default to specific colors, in the browser, app, or even in Smartsheet Calendar…
Easy way to locate Premium App assets created by Deactivated User
I just had this case where the Calendar App Owner left the company a few months ago, and I had to transfer ownership. Before I could transfer the app's ownership, I had to locate the source sheet and share it with our System Admin account. As both a Plan Asset Admin and a System Admin, we must have a notification or an…
Ability to Tag Smartsheet Group in Contact Field
Currently there is only the ability to add a column and add contacts (single or multiple) to a field. This causes issues when attempting to control who can view something within a dynamic view. It would be beneficial if there was the ability to add a 'group' to a contact field so that we could 'restrict view by current…
Control Center Automation based on conditional criteria
Currently Control Center allows for the automatic provisioning of project packs based on a simple toggle, On vs. Off. We're not able to leverage this feature for every business case because there are certain intake sheets (e.g. integrated with Salesforce) where we may not want every row to create a project pack until the…
Report Attachment Improvement Request
I currently utilize smartsheet automation to notify my clients about multiple time-sensitive issues. Presently, these notifications are sent as emails, with new rows highlighted in yellow. However, since these emails are customer-facing, I would like to ensure they align with our company's brand by using the generate…
Ready Status Formula or Column
Hello, Could you please create a formula or column which lets us that a row is ready to be executed, as the predecessors have all been completed. Best Regards, Kartik Shah
Filter Panel causing issues with its new suggestions box
It seems the Filter Panel (Schedule Tab) is now automatically showing familiar phrases/words. This is very annoying and i have to 'X' out of every single option multiple times a daty just to be able to see what im really trying to search for. How do i remove this feature? It just showed up last week after 3 years of using…
Add multiple Bill Rate lines
By adding more than 1 bill rate line, Project Managers can compare billed rate versus cost rate for financial projections.
Access a Form From Folder
Request to add a Feature to bulk update the users first and last names in Smartsheet
I would like to request that the Smartsheet product team come up with a feature to bulk update users' first and last names in the User Management Console or in the Admin Center. As a Smartsheet subscription admin from Red Hat, I tried to bulk update users who fail to enter their first and last names in their Smartsheet…