Increase decimal points
Currently, the allowable amount of decimal points is 5. We (and other users in the forum) need more for precise information. The number of decimal points should be increased to a minimum of 10. However, it could certainly be argued that, when dealing with super-critical accuracy of numbers, the amount of decimal points…
Extending Conditional Logic to "Update Requests"
I propose an enhancement for SmartSheet to extend the conditional logic functionality currently available in surveys to the "Update Request" feauture. In Surveys, users can include questions with conditional logic that dynamically appear or disappear based on previous responses. Integrating this functionality into "Update…
Prepopulate Form for Update Request
We use forms to get information from our colleagues and we would want to send them a form prepopulated by their inputs so they can update the information if there are any changes. This would be very useful if we can automate the process and make the items mandatory
Ability to hide row conversations/comments and/or attachments on published reports
Reports are great for sharing specific information from teams to leadership or external partners. However, it is a huge limitation for published reports not to have the ability to hide conversations. Conversations are a great feature for internal teams to be able to communicate on specific line items within a sheet, when…
Removing the "Comments" tab from Reports
Hello, everyone! Automated Reports that export as an Excel file attachment come with the report on one worksheet tab and a second worksheet tab called "Comments." I don't need the "Comments" worksheet, but there is no setting to remove it. Can we add that as a setting?
Data Shuttle to DataTable: Replace DataTable
I want to create an automated system that maintains my DataTable as an exact replica of a source file. Data Shuttle does not quite do this for a DataTable workflow. In the Data Shuttle workflow for DataTables you can only Add and/or Update data. This can result in rows of data remaining in the DataTable when they are no…
Send Email to Row in Sheet
Hi I would love the ability to send an email to a sheet in Smartsheet. Trello: https://blog.trello.com/how-to-create-trello-cards-from-email ToDoIs: https://todoist.com/help/articles/forwarding-emails-to-todoist-JPJ1V339 We used to be able to reply in email to a comment that we were notified on and that worked really well.…
Create an alert when there is no activity in the sheet
If there is no activity in the sheet in the past "X" days, we should be able to create an automation to alert someone. It is really important for the sheets that are updating automatically so if the automation is broken, the user can be notified,
Automation action to Record <Current User>
It would be great if we could have a new Automation Action to 'Record the <Current User>'. This would be useful for checklists where we want to capture the User who ticked a checkbox column, as well as the date on which it was ticked. Currently, we can only use the 'Record a Date' automation action for the latter part of…
Support and Sync allocation in hours from Resource Management to Smartsheet
We submit time projections by hour instead of by %ages. I am aware that RM sheet daily hours are converted to %ages to sync between RM and SS. However, hours are needed for calculations and dashboards at this time. We would like to see raw daily hours reflected in RM available for reporting in SS. Would it be a huge lift…