Deleting Filter en masse
Need the ability to delete multiple filters in one action. Deleting them one by one is not efficient and requires a lot of extra clicks.
Cascading Forms
Cascading Form data sets is one of Smartsheet's missing capabilities that I believe would be a game-changer for many alternative providers. Cascading forms are a very effective technique that can be used to compress form data and limit down options in order to narrow a workflow or collect more accurate data. Recent usage…
Multiple instances of a single drop down list in Forms
Recently I was creating an inventory tracker for one of the departments. In the form, they want the ability to track multiple items (distribution/purchase). I've created 10 item drop down fields with the same items in each, so that they can order different items within the same category. Everything works well, but when…
Extreme loss of fuctionality in Dynamic Views from underlying smartsheets
Our external partners are becoming increasingly frustrated with the loss of functionality they previously had within gridview in Smartsheets, however we needed a way to lock down everything. Here are the direct quotes: The ability to interact with attached documents as Smartsheets allows is a vital function that is…
Dynamic View - Visibility of Attachments & Comments
Dynamic View does not seem as user-friendly as in regular view/ sheet mode. Dynamic view - The attachments including photos are not viewable straight away as a small preview as they are in sheet view. It seems you need to download the image every time you need to view it. It also means when you view multiple photos, you…
Workapps and Dynamic Views - Filter Options
Currently I have external users who access Dynamic Views daily, they utilize filters based on a "product" and constantly have to select their product each day to see what is applicable to them. Does Dynamic Views have the ability for users to set up a default view based upon user so they dont have to do this every time…
Action "Request an update" retains cells formatting
I use a lot of automation to drive status updates for projects and am using the "Request an Update" feature. The updates often have quite a lot of words in the cell and I've found that the formatting does not get retained during the update. I have text Wrap selected for the cells, but its not retaining this in the cells…
Control Center - Global Update for Conditional Formatting
We would love to have the capability to push new conditional formatting using global update for provisioned project sheets. We have over 200 projects and whenever we get new ask for new conditional formatting (since things change all the time), it's a huge manual hours to go through and update each provisioned project with…
Approval / Rejection Reasons
Hello, It would be super useful when an approval is sent out if we could add a drop-down for rejection reasoning. In most cases, them just telling me it is rejected is not as helpful as if, they provided me reasoning. If this is not possible it would be nice to make the comments mandatory.
Reporting on License Changes
I'm hoping we'll eventually be able to run more detailed licensing reports through the admin center. It would be extremely helpful to have data on when licenses are assigned/removed from users and by whom to make sure that processes are being followed and pinpoint changes/errors.