Dynamic View - Comments section
Hi everyone, On the comments section of the Details pane in Dynamic View, is there a limit to the amount of messages and/or characters per message? I'd like to use this to capture Also, if someone replies to an @ message with an email, does it capture Rich Text? Or will it only capture an email response as Plain text?…
Changing Control Center Blueprint Templates
I'm in process of making updates to templates for a control center blueprint, and it would be easier for me to make a copy of the existing template set, make the changes there, and update the blueprint to point to the new template. My question is: would doing so create issues when archiving projects that have been…
Dynamic View Due Date Column
Happy Wednesday! We use Dynamic View to track Emergency Payments to our Vendors. The Submitter works entirely within Dynamic View filling out the form and choosing the Due Date. On the form, you can see where 2/3/22 is chosen. But on the row, it shows 2/2/22. Has anyone experienced this or have an idea why it would show…
Automation of Rows to PDF to row as attachment (PDF filler and Zapier)
Hello everyone, i'm looking for a external solution (native SmartSheet document filler doesn't work for me due to complexity of PDFs). Automation i want to have: Trigger: new smartsheet row added. Action: Fields of a row added to PDF (3 of them actually). 2nd Action: All PDF's sent back to same row as attachments. 3rd…
Modify calendar display while choosing a date
Hello, Is it possible to modify the display of the calendar when you choose a date from a date column in a sheet ? Here for example when I choose a date the weeks always start with Sunday, and I would like these weeks to start with Monday. Thank you for your help, have a great day, Corentin
In Dynamic View I'm seeing a difference of one day in the information in Dynamic View vs. the Grid
The columns in the circle are the same field. There is a difference of one day in the dynamic view vs. the data in the grid also shown in the Dynamic View. Any setting of the time zone that needs to be changed in the Dynamic View to have them aligned? I'm in Puerto Rico at the Georgetown, La Paz, Manuas, San Juan Time zone…
Dynamic View
We use Dynamic View the most, including the feature to add comments. However, it does not allow to assign a comment to a person so that they are notified a comment has been provided just for them. I have to go directly to the sheet and tag the person's name.... Ex: @christineFord Is there a way to do this? or is it on the…
Connecting Smartsheet to Revit Dynamo
Hi, I'm currently using Dynamo in Revit to pull data into Excel templates, which gives me static excel files. I'd prefer to develop a Dynamo node to push to a specific Smartsheet. I need the ability to read the Smartsheet to define which columns and rows to write to: Once the origins are located I need to write to the…
Date Signed
Hi! I would like to know how to get the date signed to work properly when we use SmartSheet to populate DocuSign.
Automated import of data
Hello community, I have a big table file which stores information about projects coming from various teams and systems.Could anyone tell me what can I use to automatically import an XLS or CSV from a OneDrive folder (once or twice a day) and over-write certain cells in the table? From what I've seen the Automated Workflows…