Workapps - How do I share a role view to a group?
I am trying to share one of my role views in my workapp with 300 people. Do I have to type them in individually? Is there a way to add a group of people?
Python API Library Started Throwing Error
Hi all, I've been using the Python API to update a sheet on a nightly basis. It's been working fine until a couple days ago (not sure exactly when). Now when I call smartsheet.Sheets.delete_rows(sheet_id, list_of_row_ids), I get the following json response: {"response": {"statusCode": 400, "reason": "Bad Request",…
Data Shuttle "Update DropDown List" is not working
I have an offload workflow to extract the unique list of project names from a grid, save it as CSV, and attach it to a Smartsheet grid. This is a single column extract. The associated UPLOAD workflow is supposed to update column choices. The workflow runs "successfully" but "column choices updated" = zero. I tried removing…
add a source sheet or column to a report?
Is it possible to use bridge to add source sheets to a report? Also, it is possible to add columns to reports with bridge?
3rd party form
Can anyone recommend a 3rd party form to get data into a sheet? I have this attached sheet that our costing department uses. If I were to use SS form it would get too long. Any suggestions?
Project Summary not updating with links
Hi Smartsheet Community, I recently made changes to my project templates and added 100+ data points that I'd like to have included in my Project Summary sheet when new projects are created. When I put a test project through CC it does get added to the Project Summary, and all of the relevant columns are on the sheet, but…
Why can't I see larger files while on mobile?
Our field team access our attached files via multiple mobile devices. They use Apple phones, Android phones, iPads, and Android tablets. The problem happens on all mobile devices no matter the quality of the device. In the field we primarily view pdf plans. Our field guys have noticed that when they view the larger pdfs,…
Displaying original time estimated field through JIRA Connector
I am using the JIRA connector to get both original time estimated and remaining time estimated for user stories in my Epic. I get vastly different values when I compare what is displayed in SS and what is in JIRA. For example: Record #1 - in SS Original Time Estimated = 2400 Remaining Time Estimated = 2400 JIRA of same…
Calendar App - How to Show % Completed in same format
In the Calendar App - How to Show % Completed in same format - 75% vs .75? We purchased the Calendar app specifically for the Sr Executives and presentation is key. In the Calendar App - Is there a way to control the Details page to not slide out? Or to not show Open Row option for non-licensed users? The Execs get an…
Google Sheets integration - automatically updating cells in GSheet when SS is updated?
Hello! I'm looking for a way to automatically update cells in Google sheets, when a cell in Smartsheet is updated. For example, if a Date changes in Smartsheet, Cell C4 in google sheets would update to the new date. Is this doable? Thank you!