Date field will not show any data
Hi, I have a date field that will not accept any data. If I type anything into it, it disappears after 1/2 second. The cell is supposed to get it's date from the predecessor column. This line should start the same time as the predecessor. Code in the predecessor column is "7SS" which should mean that THIS line starts the…
Using Datamesh to copy over an existing formula
I'm trying to run a datamesh over a column that has a formula entered in. The column is supposed to show "N/A" through the formula until there is data to copy over from the source sheet. I want the Datamesh to copy over the formula, but instead it shows a red triangle in the details of the datamesh config. Is there anyway…
Global Update Splitting Comma Seperated Values
Hi All! I experienced this quirk when trying to apply a global update, and can't think of a good workaround. I have a dropdown list where a couple of values have commas within the line. When I try applying a global update to add values to the dropdown list, SCC is automatically splitting these up into 3 separate values,…
Due Date alert?
Is there a way to send a message to someone when an action item is due in one week? Thanks in advance. bob
Hi, I am trying to fetch a value based on three columns the columns are as under: I am trying to filter out how many requests are there in the two types against each "LOB category", I tried Count IF and phrased it as : =COUNTIFS({DocRequestTypAPAC}, $[Document Request Type]@row, {LOBIRS} = "IRS", {RRmnth}, "October 2020").…
How do I send emails using smartsheets?
How do I send emails using smartsheets? I have a google sheets document connected with a google doc, and mail merge fields entered in the letter. I can run mail merge, but it doesn't send the emails. How do i make it send the email messages out?
Dynamic views
I have a smartsheet that I created a dynamic view for users. I cannot find any way to get a link to the dynamic view and when I add users to the view, it doesn't send them a link or email. How are users supposed to access the dynamic view? Sorry if this is a very simple question, but nothing I can find refers to how people…
Forms Add-ons
Is anyone using an add-on to create forms. I need to have a form that will pull data from a sheet into the form before it is submitted.
Archive rows on Target sheet if they are not on Source Sheet - using Data Uploader
Hi, I'm looking for a way to have rows archive on my target sheet if there is no match on the source sheet. I know there's an option to have those rows deleted, but I don't want to do that. I would want to have them move to another sheet so that I still have record of them. Any ideas?
Summarizing qualitative data across multiple sheets
I am trying to summarize engagement types by state across multiple project sheets. What is the best way to do this?