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When to expect @mentions to work in Dynamic View?
We use Dynamic View to review HR requests. The comments are used by budget and HR to discuss the status of the HR requests. We occasionally need to ask the requester a question and would like to use @mentions to email a comment/questions directly to an individual. Any update on when this will be implemented?
Sending and receiving comments in Dynamic View
I have two separate sheets for two separate marketing teams. Both have dynamic views for client view only and in the dynamic view, I have allowed attachments and comments. In the of the sheets, dynamic view is sending comments to the recipient via Smartsheet but the other dynamic view is not. Settings are the same in both.…
How do get started with Control Center?
Hello, does anyone know what the first steps are to building a control center? Is there existing a step by step instruction?
Dynamic view isn't affecting current users - view is same.
Hi there, I have tried to set up a dynamic view for current user, but when I hit save, the users still see ALL data. I have tried to restrict it by current user AND by sheet filter. Neither seems to be working... Any ideas? The view is also I've also shared it to the team who is originally shared on the underlying…
Bridge - Salesforce Integration Extenstion
I am wondering what I am supposed to use for the Setup of the Connected App for the Client ID and Client Secret to get the Connection between Salesforce and Bridge in the Integration Extension. Is this my Salesforce user name and password or another ID that I create? Any other input related to the Connect and Settings part…
Multiple User Views on Dynamic View
I am creating a dashboard that contains Dynamic View. Is there any way to create multiple views for different contact lists? I know that dynamic view can be based off of a contact list or group, but is it possible to have a "view all" for someone higher level? So a manager can see the entire list while a lower level can…
I need help with our messaging strategy for a team 20 plus people. Slack? Google Chat?
I just watched a great webinar called "Make remote work more productive with smartsheet" Very informative. I was happy that we are already doing a lot of these strategies. However, I was hoping to find a little more insight on how and why we might, or should be using messaging apps. We currently use gsuite. We do not…
No 'Add New' appearing on the calendar app
I think it should be at the top left but I can't see anything!
File Names of Generated Documents
Would love to be able to have the file names for Generated Documents from the Document Builder be dynamic. If we could have it concatenate text from a field/column that would be ideal, similar to the {{column name}} function we have in automations. Right now it just names them all whatever the template is.
Data Uploader error : "No input columns found"
Hello everyone I am using Data Uploader and I have randomly encountered multiple times the following error : It happens when : I create a worklow on a sheet and the workflow is correctly triggered with the attachement Then I modify some data manually in the sheet When I add a new attachement, nothing happens so I create…