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Discussion List
How do I write a countif nested formula?
Hi All, I have looked in the forumula info and I think what I have written will do what I need but it is not working. I want to count all the times my Ward column is 1 and then my Assistance column says survey. This is my formula: ="Ward 1=" + COUNTIFS(Ward:Ward, "1", [Assistance 1]:[Assistance 1], "Survey") The correct…
Update requests and locked cells
Currently when I send an update request the users can not edit locked columns even if they are Admin status. Is this something Smartsheet is working on? I have managers that I send update requests to and they can not simply click on the locked columns even though they are Admins on the source sheet which bascially makes…
Mobile + Smartsheet | What's your story?
I'm in Marketing at Smartsheet and looking for examples of how our customers are using Smartsheet on Mobile devices (phone, tablet). If you're using Smartsheet daily on mobile I would like to know more about what you do and how you do it. Three quick questions: 1. Describe your process before Mobile + Smartsheet 2. What…
Create time card from project schedules
Is there a template out ther somewhere to take all projects shared to an individual and create a weekly report (timecard) showing the number of hours that indiviual is scheduled to work on each project? It seems like most of this is available in Resource manager but I'd like to have it report hours versus % allocation.
Overview page
Is there one comprehensive overview page that let's you view one Gantt chart or one traffic page for all players in all projects? For instance, this kind of overview page would be extremely helpful to agency-wide traffic or project managers to view who had availability and when.
How do I reuse column definitions? (like a common drop down list)
Is there a way to define a common drop down list to use across many sheets? So let's say Task Status, we want Not Started, In Progress, In Review, Complete, Deferred. Or something like that, but I want it to be defined in one place and not have to redefine it in every sheet. Partially so if the values change in the future…
gantt chart
How do I get the task to display on the gant chart
printing of reports
hi..it looks that the printingioption and other indent icon have disappeared after an update today...do you have the same issue ?
Project sheet: put a start/finish date on parent row without editing children
There is a restriction on the standard Project sheet template currently: if using the provided "Start" and "Finish" fields, users are not allowed to add a value to a row that has children - instead, the values must be entered in the lowest grouping of children, which will then roll up. My issue is that not all the rows I…
Calculations in a report
I'm trying to create a report where i only see records with End Date = this week. (so not 'the coming 7 days' or something, only this week#) I have column 'Week# that shows the week# of the field 'End Date' in my sheet =ROUND((([End Date]1 - DATE(2015, 1, 1)) / 7) + 0.49, 0) in my report I defined in the 'What' part:…