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Discussion List
Smartsheet Developers
The reason I purchased Smartsheet is because I'm overworked and understaffed. I simply don't have time to build all the sheets I might need. How can I find a veteran user or developer to help me create what I need?
Cell Linking to a Permanent Cell
How does one cell link to a specific cell, so i would always want a cell to read from Column 1 Row 1. If a new row is added I do not want the linked cell to drop down to Row 2.
Hours NOT adding up to correct number of days
I'm having a challenge where the total number of hours is not adding up to 1 day if the hours are equal to the "length of workday" under my settings
Is there a planned development / release date for % of resource to impact scheduling?
I.e. an effort based as opposed to duration based scheduling? At this point, I feel like I am doing all the scheduling work, and Smartsheet is only providing some reporting features. Standard PM methods would be assigning a resource to a project on a percentage basis (common in real world) and let the tool determine…
Updated cells automatically highting in Pink
Is there anyway to stop updated cells being highlighted in pink for 1 hour after they have been updated? THe reason being is because whilst it is pink it is not possible to update the cell colour to anything else which is fustrating. woudl appreciate some help on this brook
Net Promoter Score
I have a survey web form. One of the questions is "likelihood to recommend" with a dropdown list of 0 - 10. I'm trying to build a report from this web form that will automatically calculate the net promoter score (% promoters (9&10s) - % detractors (0-6s)). I know how to build the formulas to calculate these, but I don't…
Web form entry ID based on URL click-through
Hi Guys, This might be a long shot. My team needs a way for our sheet to automatically assign an ID to a web form entry based on some pre-existing set of meaningful ID numbers. e.g. a handyman was called out to the customer's house to do maintenance work. we have a reference number for that particular job callout (say,…
adding numbers
hi when there is a sheet with , for example, 100 records...rows. and one of the columns is numeric, when I filter the column and sum the numbers the application add all the records not the filtered ones...
Allowing users to only add a row to a sheet and view only those rows
New to Smartsheet and hoping this may be a simple question.... I want to be able to create a sheet that anyone in my company can access, but with the following permission groups: 1. Admin (full access) 2.Edit rights (limited to specific users, columns and rows) 3. View rights (limited to specific users, columns and rows)…
Assigned To/ Status chart
Hi Everyone, I am trying to create a chart using the app in Smartsheet labs which displays the number of projects per handler and split into the status. I can create a Bar Chart showing the count of projects per handler but when I try and make a similar chart which splits the count by status it says that I can't. The issue…