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Discussion List
Import feature generates ~0 duration tasks
Does anyone else get errors, when importing an MPP file into Smartsheet? The most common error I find is that some durations are changed from valid values to " ~0 ". Has anyone else seen this? It happens EVERY time to a handful of tasks.
ColumnId's return null
Hi, I' m trying to get column id values for a sheet but values return null. I' ve tried following methods. Token token = new Token(); token.AccessToken = MY_TOKEN; long sheetId = MY_SHEETID; long columnId; SmartsheetClient sc = new SmartsheetBuilder().SetAccessToken(token.AccessToken).Build(); //Method I Sheet sh =…
Hiding Rows, Columns from Client or User Access
Hello. I've searched and thought but I want to ask the question anyway: Is there some way I haven't found, to hide a row or group of rows (or only show the ones you want) from a user or published view and keep those sent rows in an interactive environment? Heres the situation: Out of my 200 row sheet, I only want to show…
How can I change permissions of a sheet within a Worskpace without changing permissions of the entir
I have a sheet that I want to retain sole editing rights to, and allow others to view. I shared it to a project workspace. However, now that sheet matches the sharing permissions of the entire workspace, and when I try to change them, I get a message "this will change the user's permissions to the entire workspace." How…
Sales Force - Integration
Hello, i wanted to find out if Smart Sheet can intergrate with Sales Force ? What i am trying to do is to list all of the mielstones and tasks within Smart Sheet to replicate and link in same fields within sales force and once updated on one side to either auto/manual update on the sales force side as well. Thanks, Petar…
for the mobile app, can we have it load in the background
so whenever im underground in the train or without a signal, i can know im using the freshed copy of my sheets... thx
Help Smartsheet Improve our Help Center
Hi, I'm a user researcher with Smartsheet. My team and I are working on some improvements to the help center. We are looking for your help no matter what your experience level is with Smartsheet or the Help Center. If you have not already participated in this interactive survey, please help us by doing so. It should only…
Updating the dropdown content of a webform
Hi there, I need to update the content of a dropdown in one of my webforms but I can't find a way to do it... Am I missing something? Help! Thanks!
Hide Tasks from Timeline
How do you 'hide' a task from a project timeline?
Need help with reports and designing my sheet
Hi - I'd like to take advantage of the 30 min session to help design our smartsheet. I'm running into some roadblocks with how it's currently set up and creating reports based on when projects are live. Can somebody please contact me?