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Discussion List
Can Smartsheet integrate with AP software, like Lawson?
We need a solution to integrate with out accounting software.
Resource View
When we assign our resources with tasks, they will have a schedule looking f.ex. like this: 2016-01-01 > 2016-01-07: 10 hours: Task 1 So sometimes during that week Resource1 has a task estimated to 10 hours. In another project (another Smartsheet sheet) he/she might have a simular task: 2016-01-01 > 2016-01-07: 20 hours:…
Is there any way to use Check Box List?
Dropdown Box Cell Linking
Hello - Any updates on when a user would be able to use a dropdown box, which in turn would populate cell data from a particular sheet? Thanks Tracy
Can formulas be used in reports?
Feature Request: Make Me Owner for multiple selections
From the Workspace view, I can select a single item (Sheet or Report), right click or select the Action Menu and then select "Make Me the Owner". I would like to select multiple items in the workspace and "Make Me the Owner". If the had to be done for items that were all owned by the same person, I could live with that.…
Indent Copied Tasks isn't working
Hi all! I'm copying a large number of tasks and have pasted them where I want them. Only problem is, they got outdented as far as they can go, and the indent button is greyed out when I select them for intention. Any clue why this is happening?
I am trying to create a formula that will populate a date for me to ship orders 2 days prior to the start of a project. Can someone help me please?
Tableau and SmartSheet Reports (Size Limitation?)
I am trying to use Tableau to visualize a SmartSheet report. The SmartSheet report is an aggregate of 5 to 10 other SmartSheets with a total number of 1500 rows. Initially, I am able to successfully access the SmartSheet report with a limited number of sheets in the report and visualize it with Tableau. However, as I…
Feature Request: Card View Add Card items
1. Persistent When in Card View, after selecting Add Card, the Edit dialog comes up. I would like to check a box that will allow me to enter another new card after selecting OK. This would be similar to the WebForm "Reload the same form for another entry" feature. Purpose: Time saving when using Card View for data entry 2.…