Portfolio Report based on Projects & Gantt incl. milestones (1 line)
Hi, I made a report based on our active projects, showing the gantt chart.. (We have just started using Smartsheet, so not all of our projects have the right data) What I would like to see in the Gantt chart are the milestones. Is that possible with some nice adjustements (or clever tricks ?). Teach me, I haven't found it…
Add requirement to formula is a cell is blank versus not blank
Here is what I am trying to do for our contracts: Cells I'm working with (for the formula) • Contract Start {Date} • Contract End {Date} • Remaining Days {Number} // formula =[Contract End]1 - TODAY() • Contract Status {Dropdown - see below} // formula =IF([Remaining Days]1 < 0, "Expired Contract", IF([Remaining Days]1 >…
Hi struggling a bit on the correct formula for overdue tasks
Hi, I need a function to look at If a column completed date is blank and the end date column date i s more than today to the return status "overdue" so I can report on overdue tasks ?
Feature Request - Workspace view of Update Requests
Currently, if you are in the workspace view looking at all of the sheets in the workspace, you have two icons that allow you to browse through the attachments and the discussions of the workspace. These are really nice features, and I think they would be complimented by adding in a view there for the Update Requests. I…
Variance confusion
I have a [Start Date] and [Due Date] with Dependencies enabled. I know the dates used for the scheduling will have a time component. Other date columns do not.. I copy the data (Cntrl+C, Cntrl+V) to Baseline columns. Date component matches. I then create Variance columns where Variance_Start = [Start Date] - [Baseline…
Enhancement Request: Sort discussion functionality
When starting a new thread, one has the option to check Functionality, Department, and Industry. With all the improvements done, the Functionality list appears to be in order of addition. The others are nicely in alphabetical order. Please alphabetize the list. I get tired trying to find the Functionality that the post is…
Attachments in a Smartsheet line
Is there a limit on the number of attachments to a Smartsheet line? Versioning limit?
Gantt report: Knowing Real progress percentage vs. Expected percentage
Hi. As is somewhat difficult to explain for me in english the requirement that I have, I'll use the google translator. I need to know if it´s possible to have by a Gantt report: -To be able to see on any given day (usually the day that I require to present a progress report works) that have real progress percentage vs.…
Prevent deletion of rows - enhancement request again
I would like to bring this issue back to the spotlight. Many posts (complaints and suggestions) have arrived in this topic in the past (for instance: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/prevent-deletion-rows-if-it-contains-locked-cells). I would really like to see an enhancement that makes rows (data) secured…
Auto-increment a new form entry if it matches an existing name
My team is using Smartsheet to track interactions with our customers on Facebook. To keep a record of the interactions, we're using a form to populate a sheet with the data (time, date, sentiment, that sort of thing). I'd like to find a way to automate one of the questions in the form - how many times we've interacted with…