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Discussion List
Formulas and Data Rollup
Hi, I am in the process of putting together a sheet that logs the amount of production each day. As a bit of background we are an aggregate manufacturing and contracting business and what i am trying to do is have a sheet that tracks the amount of production of each product per day. I have created a sheet with all the…
report repeated names
Is there a function to allow me to put together a report that identifies names that appear on more than one row in a given column. In this case I am trying to bring out information on people who appear more than once in the name column, and then have the report show certain fields for those
Exporting to Excel not working with IE
I am trying to export a sheet to excel using IE and selecting Export to Excel. When clicking on that option it there is no indication of any activity and checking the download folder, there are no files there. Could this be a security setting by the company on IE? Could the file be going somewhere else? Thanks!
Outlook add-in won't download
I tried to dowload the add-in, but received this message, "We can't install the add-in right now. We're in the process of updating all outlook.com accounts, but haven't reached xxxx@xxxx.com yet. Please try again after the account is updated." Has anyone else encountered this?
Email Notifications & Google Forms
Hi all, I have recently been trying out the Google Forms integration with SmartSheet. The only issue I have come across so far is that I can't seem to get email notifications to work with any sheet that is linked with GF. I have many other SmartSheets with email alerts enabled and have no issues with them. I have set my…
Manage time entries based on previous ones
Hello! The use case I am trying to enable is that when a user makes an entry it should not exceed a set cumulative time (eg 120 minutes). So user 1 enters 90 minutes, user 2 enters 40 minutes in the cell below it which exceeds the alloted time by 10 minutes. Can this trigger a warning or validation that prompts for a…
Sumif with child based on criteria of other column?
I'm needing to get the SUM amount of dollars from the "Budget" column if that row is a "1" in the Quarter column...the rows are children...please help?
Imported Google Sheet but Cannot Delete Columns
Imported a Google Sheet to Smartsheet but it's not letting me delete any of the columns. Is this normal? Also, I'm not able to indent any data in the primary column, which is also annoying. Any workarounds? Thank you, Nanci B.
Non-owner change a report
I'm looking for a means to have someone who is not the owner of the report change the date field in the Report Builder or a means to change the date field parameter without going into the Report Builder. It appears only the owner of the report can change the search critiera in a report. Thanks Dan
Keyboard Shortcuts (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) vs. Right Click Menu Options between Excel and Smartsheet
I've noticed that utilizing keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+c, ctrl+v) provides the needed copy and paste results between Excel and Smartsheet, while using the Right Click mouse method does not. Is there a particular reason for this? Did I miss this instruction somewhere? Thanks.