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Discussion List
Gantt Chart dates don't match task list
I created a new project from scratch on a demo of Smartsheet but the date on the graph doesn't match the date on the Gantt bar-graph.
Gantt view format preferences
How do i set the preferences on the gantt area view format? I'd like to remove the label which repeats the task name and perhaps toggle the dependency arrows on/off. Thanks
looking for a template for a low voltage integrator?
any assistance would be great?
Default Symbol Labels
I am using standard symbols in a drop down box. They have the default lables 'Yes, No, Hold'. Is there a way to change these default labels within this sheet?
Combining Text and Formula Into Same Cell
Hello all - I am trying to imbed a text string into a formula (using the NETDAYS() function). The end result would be something similar to: "Number of days between Kick off Meeting and Final submittal is [RESULT]". I am able to use the formula in a standalone cell with no text. In an adjacent cell, I am able to create a…
Deleted lines don't go away
I've deleted lines but they are still showing. What I mean by this is I've deleted lines but the sheet is still showing there are indented lines there. Anyone else have this issue? There is no content below this.
What does ''deadline'' do?
So I entered the deadline for a summary task, but it does not seem to do anything except being entered. It's not visible in the Gannt, nor does it stop me from dragging anything beyond the deadline. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Column to add different dates per line
Hi, I created a column to keep track of when each task is submitted; although it will not allow me to add different dates into each line. Thank you
tracking incoming jobs & jobs in process
We are looking or a solution for logging in tax & bookkeeping work. What I'd like to do is have a sheet for ALL tax clients. All we'd need to do is log in the client name & type of return. Then The "Steps" would appear. Do you have any suggestions on the best way to do something like this?
Can I give the RYGB Balls column "Status" a default colour when a new row is added to the sheet?
I think my question speaks for itself. The RYGB balls type has 4 coloured balls. Which I'm using as follows. Blue = "New task" Green = "Active task" Red = "Finished task" Yellow = I'm not using this one. So what I want is for a new row in the sheet, is for this column to automatically turn "Blue" to indicate a new task. It…