Here we go!! Ready to roll out our BETA project plan!
After a couple of weeks learning Smartsheets and simplifying our project plan, we are ready to beta test our PM Lite template. https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=f5644ec0fe854b2b9c3bf74084bf86d7 It's still pretty rough but with a group not use to a formal PM process it should get us started on the right track.…
Signatures on webforms
Would it be possible in the future to have a function on webforms that allows a user to sign a form? This would be great for gaining a signature on induction records, vehicle check forms etc. My thoughs are this could be completed on an ipad or if using desktop by clicking and 'drawing' using a mouse
Automatically update status icon
I would like to know if there is a way to automatically update the status icon? If I have 5 colums, first being the task, second: start date, third: complete date, fourth: target complete date and then an icon status column, is there a way to automatically have it go from either yellow or red to green once a Complete date…
Edit Lanes in Card View
Is there a way to change the field Card View uses as its lanes? When I try to Edit the lanes, all it does it changes the name of the field in the Sheet view. For example, Card View has selected the Confirmed field (a Yes/No field) as the lanes, but I want it to use the Status column as the lanes. Any way to make that…
Loading and Moving in Sheet VERY Slow
When I open my Smartsheets very slow and when I do get to my sheets mvoing around in them takes for ever. Noone else ithat works with Smartsheets here is having that problem but me.
Split-screen View to compare sheets
In other programs there is a split-screen view or arrange windows in order to compare two documents. Other than opening two different Smartsheet windows (and, subsequently, opening a different sheet in each window), is there a way to compare sheets? I have two versions of a sheet (where I am using data from one to update…
SIGHTS report formatting
I'd like to reformat a report on a SIGHT board, i.e. make text smaller to avoid an expanded column in the view. Is there a way to lock the column widths? The default is too big and the imported report won't resize. thanks!
Link Cells - Anyway to update data on either sheet
I use the cell linking extensively, however it would be so very helpful if cells could be updated from either sheet... For example, I have a master project sheet that consolidates lines from mulitple projects in sepearte sheets. However when I want to make a change to one of the lines I have to go to that projects sheet…
Naming a Cell
Can Smartsheet let you "Name" a cell, like in Excel? This would be really useful. You could name certain milestones like "Launch Date" and then automatically calculate the dates of other tasks by subtracting/adding from that. For example, the due date for "Approve Launch Publicity" could be =LaunchDate-14 Today you have to…
Are you going to implement real time updates while collaborating anytime?
So you see real time what someone else is doing, instead of save/refresh all the time. Thanks!