Cross referencing two Sheets
Hi All I am currently using a web form to collect data for a staff onboard systems which is working great, however, I need a way to cross-reference the data coming in from the form to a list of people I am expecting. until the vlookup feature arrive later this year any ideas on how to do this would be greatly appreciated…
Define a named cell
I could not find the equivalent to a define named cell in smartsheet, the closest I find is refer in my formula as $[column]$row and that is clumsy when i want to xxx * $[column]$row. When in MS Excel i can just xxx * rates where rates is $[column]$row Did i miss it in my search for smartsheet help?
Report on Previous Entries
Hello! I'm curious what would be the best way to report a cells previous vs current value. For example, last month we had a status set to 15%, and this month it's updated to 20%. I'd like to see the 5% change as a percentage, or even an icon on a sight. Can this be done natively through the changelog, or would I have to…
Question: Formula results in reports
Hi! We use formulas in sheets. When will the calculation be done? Ony when having a sheet open? Or also when using the column in a report? In other words: If the formular uses TODAY or s.th. like that, the result differs from day to day. But is the result okay, when the sheet hasn´t been opened for a few days, but used in…
WBS Overdue status trigger points
Hi, I would like to look at setting up a formula that shows if a WBS status is either overdue (symbol would be ! High) or has say 5 days to go on the WBS and is only sitting at 60% completed (symbol would be - Medium). The trigger point would have to be driven off the :Finish" date in the setup screen shot. The colums…
Showing a task duration in the Calendar View
Does anyone know how to show a task duration in the Calendar view? I can only see the task on the date it starts and I would like to see an extended bar for the task that goes from start date to end date. I'm a Smartsheet beginner and would appreciate any assistance!
Format of rows added thru Webform to Help Desk Ticket Tracker template
I've modified the Help Desk Ticket Tracker template to work with our company. But I have a problem with adding new rows at the bottom of the sheet through the Webform -- it copies the format of the header line "New Form Submissions appear below" instead of the blank line below it. The original template worked correctly,…
IF(AND Today not working correctly. Please help
=IF(AND([Last Contact Date]2 - TODAY() < 90, [Last Contact Date]2 - TODAY() > 120), "3-6 Mths")
(Sumifs, Sumif or If ?)
=IF(AND(([Last Contact Date]3 - TODAY()) > 90, ([Last Contact Date]3 - TODAY()) < 180), "3-6 Mths", IF(AND(([Last Contact Date]3 - TODAY())) > 210, ([Last Contact Date]3 - TODAY() < 365), "7-12 Mths")) Is there also a way to turn a cell, row into a color using functions ? Thanks You
If NOT complete, change end date to TODAY()
Hi I'm trying to automatically increase the finish dates of tasks not completed, that were due for completion before today, to today. Is there any way to do that? Any help would be really useful