Column Visibility Restriction or Accessibility
My sheet got 10 columns and is shared to 8 people. 8 of the columns are name of the person I shared the sheet with. Is it possible that person 1 can only view and edit the column assigned to his name? If it is can you teach me how? Thanks!
OPPM_One Page Project Manager
I am new to Smartsheet I am a big fan of communicating task and project status via a single page. Does anyone have experience of using Smartsheet using the OPPM format?
Remove Parent data automation when Child dates are entered
Hi all, When using date columns, Start/End the Parent row auto-updates with the earliest and latest of its Child rows. Is there any way to turn off this function? Thanks, Josh
Group rows together for the same Report#
Is there are way to group rows together if the same report # shows under the Report# column multiple times? Lets say the Department of Transportation stop one of our vehicles for a truck inspection and they find a number of violations. A report # is generated on the report they send our company and it may have 3 to 4…
count text occurrence in a check box column
I have a multi-user sheet. 4 column with to-do tasks. When tasks are complete, the user put their initials in the box. At the end of the column, I have a formula that adds up the initials and the cell fills in a "YES" for all complete or stays "NO" if not all complete. At any given time, there could be 75-100 of these…
AppSheet - Get the latest + Engage 2017
Hi there, If you are going to the Smartsheet engage conference, we'd love to meet with you to share the latest from the AppSheet Platform, we'll talk about managing apps and data beyond a 5000 row limitation, and other great features to do even more with apps powered by AppSheet and Smartsheet data. Join us at an informal…
Building a report based on the calendar, and I need to use "YESTERDAY"
I'm building a report that will show things that are happening TODAY and in the FUTURE. I can build each of those separately, but together seems to be an issue. I built a filter based upon date being YESTERDAY, but when I go back to check it, it has placed the actual date in the field. Is there a more permanent solution to…
Engage Conference on Sep18
Hi, May I ask does anyone join Engage Conference? I know that people can book one-on one design desk (30 minutes). One issue bother me long period of time: How to update existing SmartSheet by Ms Excel. As I open new smartsheet, I usually import Excel. However, after import excel, if there is info change in excel, you need…
Tracking / Notifications - Replica Sheet for Next Year
I track a lot of items for my company that individuals are responsible for completing. I have notifications set up for each item so those individuals will get email reminders ahead of the due dates. If I want to take 2017's calendar and create a 2018 calendar, how can I keep those notifications. It would take forever to…
IF Statement and CheckBox
I am trying to get a sum of % completion based on a Checkbox. For example, if someone checks off 3-4 of the boxes, and I know the weighting for each box (as shown in the IF statement, I would like to have a sum at the end as per the screenshot. The problem is, the sum isn't working. Any thoughts...?