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Discussion List
Drop Down List Selections
Can I build a drop down list that allows multiple choices to be selected?
Multi-Select Feature Request
It appears there has been much discussion on this topic. Regardless of whether I'm using drop boxes or radio buttons, what is the status of a multi-select feature for web forms? An option to select one or more would be a nice enhancement! Smartsheet is cool, but a multi-select option would make it awesome! Thanks, George
Survey question on web form
I am creating a client survey in smartsheet and one of my questions askes the client to "Check all that apply" so there would likely be multiple answers. I have a dropdown in the column with the options however I don't know how to set the format for them to select more than one. Can you help?
Comments Column
I use smartsheets mainly as an issue tracking tool when dealing with contractors. Many of these individuals are willing to type into boxes and info that is needed but are not usually tech savy enought to realize that to post a comment they need to click on the blank cell/bubble in the Comments column. It would be a great…
Counting Checked Boxes
I am trying to sum up the total number of boxes that are "checked" in a row. I would like to set it up so I have a cell in column 4 row 2 with the total number of checked boxes in that same row. Is that possible?
Internet connection or maintenance?
Hello. For some reason, one of my pages doesn't allow me to save, saying "Unable to reach Smartsheet.com. Please check your internet connection." However, I have another tab open to a different page in Smartsheet that allow me to save with no issues. Has anyone experience this/know how to remedy it? I've signed out/back…
Parent Row Roll up using a specific text value
Community: I am piggy-backing off Nathan Skyers' request from November 24, 2016 1:13 pm, regarding Parent Row Roll up, as I need a very similar formula. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you, Sandy Is it possible to have a text value show in a parent row whether all statuses match my criteria OR if even one status…
Filter what other can see&edit
My Company from Slovenia is using SmartSheet to track inquires/sales all over the world. Each inquiry gets its own line and we enter in this line also country from where demand came from. Curenty we use this sheet only internal- only in company headquarter here in Slovenia. Today our exclusive distributor from Germany…
Sum Values Between Two Dates
I'm looking for some help with a formula. I've created a complicated system of sheets where a contractor enters her/his hours into a form each day they work and I link the data into a contractor's individual sheets which then feed into a series of formulas which feed into reports which feed into sights. What I need to do…
Alternative to VLOOKUP in SmartSheet?
Is there a 'bolt-on' in Smartsheet that does the same thing as VLOOKUP?