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Discussion List
Getting GroupMembers of Group using JavaSDK, Smartsheet API
Hey Community! I'm stuck at a certain point in my development process. I need to receive a list of all GroupMembers of a Group in Smartsheet. I tried the following: //First, getting all groups of our smartsheet plan and storing the result in variable grouplist //Iterate through all Groups... for (Group g : grouplist) { //…
Cannot upload or download documents!
is anyone else having trouble uploading and downloading documents on smartsheet??? Noone on my team is able to do this very simple thing on smartsheet. Please help!
COUNTIF using Parent Rows Only
I am trying to come up with a formula that would count only the parents rows.
Can you make columns visible to certain viewers only
I have a smartsheet sharing with my customers and I would likeuse the modified by column for my reference but I do not want my customers to see that. They are shared as viewers only. Thanks Howard
Program and Project Sight Templates
Hi there, I really like the look of the Program and Project sights in the Sight Gallery. Can someone send me the Sight templates and the underlying smartsheets and reports needed to make it work? I'm hoping it pulls from the Basic Project and Basic Agile templates. Thank you! - Janet
Scheduled updates
Is there a plan to allow you to delete transferred owner ship tasks under the edit function? Scenario - I create 10 tasks to "owner 1" - Owner 1 requests for 2 tasks to be transferred to an new owner - I have to delete all scheduled updates for owner 1 - re-schedule, then build a new schedule for "owner 2" Under the edit…
Only show the most recent associated date in a report for a value that appears more than once
We are using smartsheet to track when facilities wihtin the organization are visited. Essentially, we have a form that employees fill out indicating which facility they went to and when they went there. I am have created a report that will show all facilities within the organization that have not been visited in a…
Web Form - Disallow Past Dates?
Is there any way to prevent an end user from selecting a past date in a date field on a web form? In fact we'd like to only allow them to choose dates in the future, not today or earlier. Is this possible?
Do not sent Alerts if the row is marked as complete
We use SS for task / acrion lists for various teams, projects etc. and reports to consolidate everything into a single action list for the individual. We use Alerts to remind people. How could I stop the Alert sending if the item is marked as complete - we use a drop down list for the item status - In Pogress, On Hold,…
SUMIF (Final piece of the puzzle)
The sale been made and fits the criteria (Sold By) Peter, (Status) WON, (Result) 100%, (Current Month Sales) this month/yer date, it returns dollar value. The job has been invoiced, (Invoiced Date) todays date 25/02/17 (Nz Time) returns (Comms Due Date) 20th of the following month, in this case 20/03/17. So when (Current…