Countif and contains
Hi, I am trying to count the number if times a site code appears in a sheet, but I only want to count them if in another column they have a certain activity (eg volunteering or donation) I then need to do this for multiple sheets! The formula to do the first part is: =COUNTIF({AMER - Ops CE Tracker - 2023 Site name}, [Site…
Index/Join/Collect - Question
Hello, I have two sheets I am trying to reference together and I am having a bit of trouble. I have one cell in a sheet with row numbers (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5) and another sheet that based on those numbers gives a control. I am trying to take the cell with the list of numbers and instead simply display the control name so we…
Simple Index Match formula link to another sheet returning NO MATCH
Simple Index Match formula link to another sheet returning NO MATCH. I'm new to smart sheet and I'm fairly good with formulas in excel. Could my issue be mixing text and date data types? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have not been able to find a reason in searching other posts. Here is an example formula (it is…
Help fixing this formula
Note: If the pre-closing draw date submitted to TIGR has a number, then return ‘’TIGR’’ if not return blank. If the pre-closing draw date submitted to QAQC has a number, then return ‘’QAQC’’ if not return blank. If the pre-closing draw date submitted to strike Team has a number, then return ‘’Strike’’ if not return blank.…
Ok so I'm not very familiar with INDEX/MATCH formulas but I'll explain what the goal is. So I have the first set listing all the materials. Now on the second picture I have what was delivered. There will be multiple orders under Order History that will list the same item. I want all those items summed up and placed in the…
Insert row between WBS and append to WBS numbering convention
Is it possible to insert a row between a WBS structure and rather than the added row taking on the next available number I would like to append and additional decimal to the WBS so the order of tasks is not confusing. For example in the screenshot below the WBS is working great, however when I want to insert a row between…
COUNT(COLLECT) assistance please
Hi all, I am trying to resolve a COUNT(COLLECT) formula to gather a number of instances from a range of categories by their current activity. In my data sheet the categories are called "Treatment" and I want to know how many instances of a particular Treatment there are by the criteria of Work Activity. I am using a…
INDEX COLLECT, how to collect multiple values in a range when the criteria matches
I am pulling employee hours from a timesheet to a billing sheet. The billing sheet has a column that pulls the employee name from the timesheet based on the date, project number and cost code. I copy and paste the transactions into the billing sheet =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({Timesheet | Employee Name}, {Timesheet | Project},…
What's wrong with this formula, please? It is returning a value of 0, which is incorrect.
=SUMIFS({Park Bonus - Archive Park Bonus}, {Park Bonus - Archive Division}, [Primary Column]3, {Park Bonus - Archive Approval Status}, [Primary Column]$22, {Park Bonus - Archive Fiscal Month}, [Column2]$1)
How to add point values to answers
I have a Smartsheet form that is populating answers from the individuals who fill out the form. The questions are text answers and Yes/No questions and they will all be awarded points. How do I add point values to the answers?