Automatically updating/adding rows from a linked sheet
I have created effectively a 'dummy sheet' version of a Smartsheet for my implementation officers to use to use to request an update form for their item. The rows in the sheet are linked to the more comprehensive and detailed 'Full version'. However, if I add another row into the 'Full version' it does not translate to the…
Report Filters Not Responsive
I've created a helper column in my sheet for parent/child relationships, which assigns it a number based on this formula: =COUNT(ANCESTORS([SOW Item or Task]@row)) + IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([SOW Item or Task]@row)) > 0, "+", "") In my report, I've created a filter to allow for all numbers except 1+: However, the report is not…
Formula to return value in another cell based on several criteria
I am trying to create a formula in column 1st yr (105 hours max) that will return the value in the Vacation Balance column ONLY IF the Years of Service is <= 1 years 11 months 31 days, AND IF the Country is USA OR PRI. I am using the formula below but it is returning vacation balances whose Years of Service is greater than…
Matching Multiple items in Cells to single items in another sheet
I have an Intake Form that collects training information - employee name (data validated), date of specific training (forklift, OSHA 40 hours, DOT to start), and a file attachment with the sign-in sheet. I need to automate the update of another sheet with the information from the Intake Form. For ease of use, the Intake…
Return multiple values from one search criteria
Hi! I'm fairly new to Smartsheet formulas and have reviewed the community posts trying to find help to my question. I am trying to pull PTO requests from one sheet to another. VLOOKUP has always been a friend, but unfortunately does not pull multiple values. My lookup criteria is a single date, (ex 2/28/24) but there can…
Modified by column is being filled in with "automations@smartsheet.com
I need to know who last "Checked" a box in a column. After the box is checked, there are several automations that happen. Next to the box, is a column that I want to log the user who checked the box. But since there are automations, it's removing the users name and replacing with "automations@smartsheet.com". Can this be…
Mandatory field in Smartsheet
Hi, I have a Change Request Smartsheet, and I need to have the 'estimation completion date' collum as a mandatory to be filled by the requester. How can I implement this?
Display most recent comment of Child Rows in parent row.
Hello, I'm looking for assistance in creating a formula that could be applied to a whole column that would display the most recent comment of a child row in the parent row. This would help to see the most recent update to a project at a glance in reports. After the screenshot, I made another column to collect the data, but…
I had a formula that was working all through the trials but then right before the roll out it stopped working! In one cell there's a column that Auto counts Responses no big deal there. In a cell in a different column =MAX([Row ID]:[Row ID]) // this counts the largest value so I can record the latest response In another…
Progress % based on status with cell linking
Hi I have two sheets, one acts as a master file for top level view only, the other is a more working doc. On the working doc, I have added a progress column, calculating the percentage of progress of the project based on the progress i.e. =IF([Activity Status *]@row = "Not Started", "0%", IF([Activity Status *]@row = "On…