How to delete the Sent to in a Report
Hello, I setup a report to be sent as an attachment to 2 different groups, project has ended and need to stop this from going out but l am unable to delete one of the groups as the options are locked. Any ideas how to remove this?
Modifying a cell/column in a report
So an odd change occurred. I have a master core data sheet, which as an owner, works fine. As an editor, works fine. I created a report based on specific criteria. In this report, i have a column for a date to enter when i completed it. Simple date column, but does have conditional formatting on this column to turn yellow…
Setting up resourcing sheet
I'm using smartsheet to manage assay requests that my team receives. On a separate sheet, I have calculated the amount of time it takes to complete each type of assay, which varies by sample number. I would like to set up another sheet to display the amount of time each assay operator is putting towards running each type…
Hello, I have been searching the community but have been unable to find what I am looking for. My organization would like to use Smartsheet to have employees submit their daily timesheet. I was able to create a form and sheet but need to create a way to separate by employee and then have a summary sheet that breaks it down…
Master/Details sheets
I have come across a few instances where we have a project sheet, which includes detail items that need different columns of information than the rest of the rows in the sheet. For example, there might be a section of checklist items where we collect information. I have come up with a couple options, and am wondering if…
Export to Excel - Certain Columns
Hello! I know you can export to excel on a recurring basis an entire SMSH but is it possible to only select a few columns to send?
automatic reminder triggered by the system generated created (date) field
I want to create a reminder to be sent automatically 5 days after the system-generated create (date), if another column is blank. The system-generated column with the create(date) does not show in the dropdown of options for the date field. Has anyone else run into this, and if so, any suggestions on how to get the…
Datamesh: Partial Success
I'm working with Datamesh for some automations across some sheets for portfolio management. I've got an Intake form as my source sheet and then another as my target for more detailed info. I'm getting the Error! PARTIAL_SUCCESS each time it tries to run. I cannot seem to find any documentation on this error message and how…
Multi-Select Not Counting As Expected for Dashboard
I want a count of each time an answer is selected from a multi-select question. The countif is only counting 1 if an answer shows up once, but not counting when an answer appears more than once. Formula I'm using is: =COUNTIF({Student Satisfaction Survey Range 5}, "More live lessons") to find all the instances of "More…
Open Sheet in Gantt View
My sheet is opening in grid view. I can change it to Gantt once I am in the sheet but how do I change the settings so that it just automatically opens in Gantt view?