Invalid recipients of notifications removed from SmartSheet sharing access
I'm using alerts/notifications and getting false positive alerts about invalid recipients who happen to be on vacation with automated out-of-office replies. I get an alert as shown below with steps to change permissions for including the inactive users in the automated notifications that were originally set up. The funny…
Help With Dates If Certain Criteria are met
Hi I am trying to work out how to Auto work out overdue date See attached i would like to get my Site Audit Complete column when marked "yes" to calculate the "Site Audit HN Dead Line" column's date continually move my overdue date to the current date each day until column marked Site "Audit approved" is marked Yes Is…
Harvey Balls not changing
Why aren't my balls changing color? Here is my formula =IF([% Complete]2 < 50, "Red", IF([% Complete]2 = 100, "Green", "Yellow")) I have been stuck on this for awhile Thanks, Ken
INDEX-MATCH Showing Wrong Information
I am using the following to pull a course title from another sheet: =IFERROR(INDEX({SubjectCourses-Titles-Credit}, MATCH([Subject + Course]31, {Subject+Course}), 3), "") It has worked fine with several course codes (Subject + Course), but when I enter an incorrect course code (i.e., it doesn't exist, such as HOS 419), it…
Status symbols that are color-blind friendly
Hello! I'm using the Red, Yellow, Green, and Gray status icons in a report that I present during my weekly manager meeting. Unfortunately, our CEO is color blind and has trouble seeing the colors. Would it be possible to add additional status icons such as these but with different shapes, such as circle, square, triangle,…
Lag between sheet structure update and Report Builder
I have seen this happen a few times .. I change the column names in a sheet and then go to build a report - the new column names are not shown in report builder. Sometimes it takes over 24 hours for the right column names to show up in report builder. See attached.. * Type field is shown twice in Report Builder * Task Name…
Percentage complete issues
Hi have a project plan built out in smartsheet. The plan has a hierarchy of tasks: Parent (core deliverable) Child (task) Region When using the percentage complete option, if I add the current completed within the region columns the calculation is incorrect, it will display 0% in the parent line until all companies within…
Editing rows from Calendar or Gantt view of report not working
When I attempt to edit rows by double-clicking a row in Calendar view or Gantt view of a Report, I receive the error-message attached. I have searched the forums and guides, and cannot see anywhere why this should not be possible. It occurs with all my reports in both Gantt view and Calendar view. Re-login does not help.…
Replicating an Annual Schedule Worksheet
I am trying to replicate annual pre planned maintenance schedule worksheets eg. copying 2018 and creating a 2019 worksheet. I have done so by opening my 2018 worksheet and 'saving as new' renaming to 2019 then deleting all the 2018 data. I just noticed the conditional formatting based on dates is still set to 2018 so I…
Error reports
Is it possible to create or set up an alert to let me know of any errors (No Match/ Blocked etc) on sheets that I own? I have a number of sheets that are filled in by a lot of people, and it can be difficult to identify errors quickly.