Excluding Parent Row From Auto Populating System Data
Greetings, I'm trying to exclude my parent rows from auto populating my Status and all my Modified By and Created By data. Is this possible? I tried adding - into the fields that I could, and nothing happened.
Count number of days if status is "Open"
Hello, I'd like to count the number of days from created date to today only if the status of a ticket is "Open". If it's "Closed" I'd like it blank, I'm not sure how to do this. Here is an image of the ideal results Thanks!
Can not do simple math caluculations in report field
When using reports, the fields are not calculating simple math equations. Any ideas.
Counting working days in a week
Hi everyone. I'm trying to come up with the best way to count the number of days that a project is being worked on in a particular week. You can see in my screenshot that ProductiveDays is counting the working days from 6/10 to 6/14. I've come up with a rather cumbersome formula that works and only requires that I manually…
If I want to share a sheet with someone outside my company and give them the ability to update columns I've created (i.e. % complete) as well as add new rows, can they do this under the "free collaborator" permissioning? If not, are there any workarounds?
Checklist for Airbnb Cleaners
Hi all! I want to create a checklist for the cleaners who turn over my airbnb properties. I know how to create this checklist but there are a few specific things that I need it to do and can't figure out how. Any advice would be appreciated! 1) This checklist will need to be filled out each clean. That means there needs to…
Notifications or Alerts based on Conditions
The more and more I use Smartsheet the more I am becoming disappointed with the lack of features for something that has been around as long as it has. We recently chose to use Smartsheet and as long as we keep it very basic, Smartsheet is a "good" tool. I tried to use it for some basic excel things this weekend and almost…
Multiplication with results of an IF Statement
Hello, It appears you can't do calculations with the results of a nested IF statement? =(IF([Shift Duration]1 = "2 Hours", "3.75", IF([Shift Duration]1 = "3 Hours", "2.5", "NA"))) * [Number]1 It appears I have to have the IF statement alone in one column, and then the math in another column. =IF([Shift Duration]1 = "2…
Man hours & working out hours worked for a specific employee
Hey everyone, I'm new to this. Here's my sheet for reference. https://app.smartsheet.com/sheets/H5CQ6ffqh3x28mf265WJQqP5jqxvcjfHGFjcxHJ1?view=gantt Two things. 1. I want to have a man hours column that works out how many people are in the assigned to column (I've used people's initials) and multiplies that by the duration…
Nested IF - Incorrect Argument
Hoping someone may be able to spot my error. Attempting to return 1 of 5 statuses (Complete, Not Started, Late, Pending, or In Progress). I think the challenge is with the Pending status, where I am trying to flag a due date within 7 days of today. =IF([Percentage Complete]1 = 1, "Complete", IF([Due Date]1 < TODAY(),…