enable attachment upload for specific user or sheet
Please can you make it possible to enable the ability to upload documents (Attachments) for either specific users or specific sheets. Currently it can only be turned on for the whole organisation however, this is in conflict with Organisational Security Policies where the ability to do this needs to be controlled to limit…
Edit in Card View
Similar to the way that there a tabs on the right side to see comments and attachments, can we add an "Edit" tab for Card View? When I am editing multiple cards, I would be able to do so quicker, if I could permanently have an "Edit" tab open so that when I right click on the Card, all of my editable fields will be easily…
Generated Documents as Email Attachments
As the topic states, it would be great if we could simply attach our generated documents to an e-mail with a quick message OR remove everything except for the custom message and the link. ------------ Full explanation: We use a form to gather a sales request from customers (perfect, no notes). Then we use an automation to…
Put data on same row if linking multiple forms from the same sheet together
If a sheet has multiple forms that utilizes unique columns in each row, it would be nice to be able to have those forms daisy chained (i.e. when you submit one form you are taken to the next form) and have the data from all the forms populate on the same row (maybe this can be done by assigning a unique ID to the parent or…
Auto Generation of Crossreferenced tables.
Topic: New Sheet Row Generation with selected data from a source Sheet with data linked. If you are used to ERP linked data tables you may have explerienced the need to get similar benefit in Smartsheet. We are in the need to generate a new row in a "destination sheet" triggered from a "source sheet" based on specific…
Issue - My Assigned Task Report Attachment
Hello, Please share this feedback with the appropriate engineering team. When scheduling a recurring delivery of the My Assigned Task report via the Send as Attachment feature, the attachment populates tasks assigned to me (the sender) instead of the recipient. We are currently embedding the link to the report in the…
Conditional formatting legend
I would love to offer a legend for users to understand the conditional formatting for a given sheet. Not all users are able to see the rules and may not remember what the formats indicate. Adding a button or pop-up banner/tool tip would be a great improvement. I try to use the column description when I can, but the…
Import/Export Tags between Smartsheet and Excel
Please make SmartSheet tags cross-transferable between Excel and Smartsheet. It would be amazing if Smartsheet recognized a comma-separated list (or some other delimiter) in Excel as a cell with multiple values. Inversely, it would be amazing to be able to TEXTJOIN a string of values in Excel and import that string into a…
Remove all conditional formatting options
It would be nice to have the option to select all/some conditional formatting that need to be removed. Some sheets have many and even though they can be disabled, they need to be removed for structural changes.
Remove all Workflows options
It would be great to provide an option to remove all workflows on a given sheet instead of having to click through each workflow. Alternatively, when a workflow is deactivated, the admin will be allowed to delete columns even though there is a deactivated workflow in place. The pop up should stay but an admin or owner…