Easily Navigate to Dashboard Widget Data Source
I often have to navigate to the data source of a dashboard widget to make updates, however there is not a direct link to the data source, and sometimes the naming of the source does not make it easy or clear to find. It would be very helpful if there was a button next to data source to "Open Data Source in a New Tab" or…
Automations - Send From Sheet Owner
Some automations have the option to Send From Sheet Owner, but it seems those triggered by row change do not - why can't we have that option in all automations? This automation does not have the option to Send from Sheet Owner. It is triggered by rows added/changed: This automation is triggered by a date and has the option…
dashboard background image
the function to display a photo in the background of a dashboard (UI design), so that you can place a widget over your photo.
Clicking a link in email with filters applied
The email notifications staff receive (like a comment was added etc) has a clickable link that will take you to that row on smartsheet. However if you have a filter applied, the link does not work and only takes you to the sheet and does not highlight the row. This is including when the filter that is applied is already…
Barcode Scan into dropdown field on webform in App
Like it's active or can be turned on in a Number/Text field on the webform in the app, I really need to be able to scan a barcode into a dropdown list that has all our products listed so that the user can be sure that the barcode has scanned correctly and the product is in the system. At the moment they're blindly scanning…
Overlayed Calendars on Dashboard
Currently we can overlay calendars with Google calendars and we can publish sheets in calendar view on the Dashboard, however, only the events within the sheet - not the overlay - show up in the Dashboard calendar. Unless a proper sync with Google Calendars is in the works, allowing overlayed calendar events to show up in…
form option to show unselected dropdown items in separate column
Hello, For ease of form use (and keeping a positive tone), I've created some drop down menu where users can select "all that are true" from a variety of options. It would be useful for those of us viewing the submitted forms to be able to easily see which options were not selected- as those highlight gaps in service. The…
Scale option on form
Forms should be able to have a scale option - like 0 to 10. The Net Promoter Score standards require this. When I do it, it's very ugly. Because we need to have this standard scale format as a question, we have no choice but to look elsewhere for our forms.
New Timeline View - Display set values On bars in swimlanes
In the new Timeline View, I'd love for the ability to display a specific column value on the rightmost section of a bar within the swimlane. The idea could be that if a set an additional categorical column value on each bar. For example, I have a timeline with some bars, and I want to set them to show their corresponding…
New Timeline View - Sidebar Custom Group Colors
Timeline view is such a nice and cool view for Smartsheet time values! I've currently been tinkering with using Timeline view to show some project timelines; however I'm running into an unusual challenge that could be a good enhancement. Currently, all color values in Timeline View are auto-assigned, and individual task…