Create your own Automation templates
Hello, It would be so helpful if I could create a automation template that I could use across all my sheets. Right now i have to re-create the automation for each of my sheets. I wish i could just copy my automation from my other sheet or create a saved personal template. Thank you, Peter Taylor
Print Dynamic View
Print or export the Dynamic View in order to distribute it to students and faculty.
Mapping Diagram/ Export Documentation of workflows
Can the automation workflows be exported into a mapping configuration for documentation and recording purposes? Is there a tool or app that anyone uses for this? Part of our IT process is documentation, and having a way to explain in a visual mapping of all the sheets, reports, workflows, and dashboard components would be…
Add ScribeHow iframe embed codes to dashboard web widget domains
Our organization has started using ScribeHow, and it is awesome! We are saving tons of time on creating instructional documents. We would love to be able to embed those "scribes" in Smartsheet dashboards, but the domain isn't included in those that can be embedded in a web content widget. scribehow.com
Control Center - Global update function to modify multiple columns within a template
It'll be nice to have global update function to modify multiple columns within a template in one update if you're modifying the exact same thing - like unlocking columns or applying formatting
Don't Drop the Leading Zero in Form Submission
I have a simple form to capture the last 4 of a SS#. I restrict the text/number field to numbers only on the form, but the leading zero gets dropped. Answer from Support was to remove restriction of numbers only, which defeats the purpose of this feature. Please vote to have Smartsheet include logic that will not drop a…
Resource Management: Regional Public Holidays
Official Public Holidays in Resource Management are not helpful when team members work across different states or countries. The ability to define Public Holidays based on team member location (automatically would be best) is needed. The Location of each team member is defined in their profile. Use this to update the…
Add the ability to do an "Or" condition in Dynamic Views
Currently Dynamic Views ONLY allow for "And" conditions. Adding the "Or" Condition would save alot of extra helper columns.
Ability to save as new more than 100 files so the interactions remain
Currently there is a limitation to save as new and/or copy only 100 files at a time. This means if you have a workspace with more then 100 files that need to interact with each other for the dashboards to remain intact, you can't do it. You would need to copy it in pieces and repick reports, data for widgets, etc.
Default Behavior When Opening Workapps
Currently the default behavior when opening Workapps is filtered to "Workapps Shared With You." It should either open first to "All" or "Owned by you" or allow the user to select a default option that they want to see each time they open the app.