easier references to other sheets
Hi all, I prefer to use references of the form {sheet_name Range 1} rather than using the "link from cell in other sheet..." because the formula can be copied to another cell where trying to copy the direct-linked cell only copies the value, not the link. If I have a lot of cells all linked to a particular cell in another…
Move Line without files attached
I would like to be able to move one line from one sheet to another sheet without the files attached. I would like to be able to choose if I want to share the files attached in the next log sheet or not. This could be very helpful.
Individual License Options
It would be really nice to have more options when having an individual account that is just one license. I use my personal license to handle home income budgets and chores for the house, but my reports for the family is restrictive without being able to group and summarize. Please Please come out with more options for the…
Remove formulas in data shuttle
Data shuttle does not allow formulas to be turned off so when I upload an excel file in data shuttle, my numbers are being rounded.
Control Center Project Link - Global Change to Rename & HyperLink Change
Please consider added Control Center global change functionality to be able to rename the project links for already provisioned projects. In addition add a control center global change to be able to change the associated hyper link for the already provisioned projects. I run a control center blueprint program for a large…
Form Confirmation Email Improvment - Quality of LIfe
When users submit an Non-Conformance Report (NCR) using smartsheet forms we generate a NCR# for the issue. I would like our confirmation email/message to tell the user what that NCR# is, instead of forcing them to log in, open smartsheets, and find that number.
Select multiple options for symbol dropdown
I would like the ability to select multiple symbol options per columns. As an example, certain rows I want to select a color dot, but other rows I would like to select the check mark or flag. Adding more color options for symbol dots would be great as well.
add multiple column once.
I don't know if it is possible to have a question when we request to add a column to right or left, suggesting how many we want to add? and then we can name them, or make them all the same properties.
Progress Bar on Smartsheet Forms
I would love to be able to add a progress bar on a Smartsheet Form, so that as a user completes fields, they can see how close they are to completing it. Generally speaking I find Smartsheet Forms to be much more functional than Google Forms, but this is one feature that Google Forms have but Smartsheet is missing! Thank…
Form Pages
as a user i want to divide forms in pages so that when the form is long i can focus better restarting fresh from the top rather then continuosly scroll vertically , Pages are also useful to divide the form depending of the argument Using multiple forms is not a good workaround cause the user can decide to complete only the…