Requested access to Dashboard: text box to add description
When a User requests access to a Dashboard, can there be a text box where a User can describe why they want access. In a large company, there are many times we don't know the person requesting access thus it takes time to figure out how to justify if this User should be granted the permission.
API Editing
API workstreams should be able to be edited or ownership should be transferrable within an organization so that members of the team who did not build the workstream can edit it.
Synchronise Team Member Availability between Resource Management and Smartsheet
I have team members with part time availability, as specified in their Resource Management profile. Smartsheet allows me to schedule tasks for the days they are not working - the sync to Resource Management then displays "100% allocated for 0 Days" - the 0 days is due to this being a non-workday for that team member.…
Change web link in notification messages from automations
Automation notifications send the direct sheet link in emails or teams chat messages, I have only been sharing the workapp so when people click the link they have "no access" messages coming up and then they ask for access to the sheet as well which means I need to manage access in multiple locations. Can we have the…
When changes made in a sheet via Workflow, perform an automatic save
Whenever changes are made in a sheet via Workflow (e.g. locking/unlocking rows to update TODAY() formulas), a manual save action has to be performed. There should be a possibility to perform an automatic save action wihtin a workflow, or when a workflow is accomplished successfully. Thanks, Markus
Sheet access report should include licensed, unlicensed, or "other" indicator
It would be helpful if the sheet access report identified the users in the sharing list as a licensed, unlicensed, or Other (Smartsheet Contact). This would assist with auditing the use of our objects and terminating access when people leave or should no longer have access. Currently, this can be accomplished by "joining"…
Owner report for My Smartsheet Contacts
In our opinion, Smartsheet Contacts need better oversight and controls. In cases where an owner leaves or transfers and the System Admin transfers their sheets to a new owner, the new owner inherits the shares that were made to the previous owners' contacts, however, these contacts don't show up in their My Smartsheet…
Delete workapps that were provisioned with Portfolio workapps
We had an error happen with our portfolio workapps program where it was provisioning workapps but not linking them to the projects. We tried to remove the workapps by deleting the projects from control center, but they stay in the portfolio workapp and just show errors when you try to open them. The way we get around…
Record time against a project that I'm not assigned to
In Smartsheet Resource Management, a problem came to light where a Project Manager (access level “Project Editor”) wanted to record some timesheet hours against a project that he hadn’t previously been assigned to. He accessed his “Time and Expenses” screen and clicked “report time for something else” but no options were…
Resource Management SSO: Sign In With Microsoft
We use the "Sign in With Microsoft" function across many of the applications across our estate but were disappointed that Smartsheet Resource Management doesn't currently support it. Hence, we'd like Smartsheet to extend the SSO functionality to include the "Sign In With Microsoft" route.