Option to always display horizontal scroll bar
We need an option to always display the horizontal scroll bar. When working on a smaller screen, the scroll bar disappears. You have to scroll up and back down just to get it to appear. This makes working on larger sheets, which is always the case, very frustrating. This is reproduced using Chrome on Windows 11.
Change Cell Value workflow: Include symbols
Use case: When a new project is created, we want the initial project health to be a green symbol. The Change Cell Value workflow does not include Symbol type columns, only text/number, single select drop downs, and checkbox columns. Can we include Symbol columns in this workflow as an enhancement?
Adding Slicers to Dashboards
Hi, I'd like to suggest a product improvement. My users at my new company are mostly used to excel/powerbi/standard queries, and they keep asking me to duplicate dynamic dashboard functionality inside of smartsheet. This is mildly achievable with the legend, but real breakdowns I generally have to build many subsets of…
Attach/upload Document files to Dashboard
Having the ability to upload file attachments (specifically, Word and PDF) to a Dashboard would be extremely useful.
Automation on Sheet Summary Fields
Workflow/automation based on sheet summary fields. One scenario - count of all cells, send a warning if the sheet is close to max. (Do not want helper column as that increases the count.)
SharePoint document link as an option under Attachments
It would be great if as well as all the Dropbox, Google Drive, oneDrive and other file attachment options, we could also have a direct 'Link' option for SharePoint document libraries, document sets/folders. Leading practice for document management suggests not to store documents in proprietary databases (such as Smartsheet…
Include predecessor references with copy to another sheet
Sorry if this is already in the forum. I searched and did not see it submitted as an idea. It only comes up in other discussions. Issue: When using copy to another sheet, the rows do not maintain their predecessor references. Use Case: We utilize Control Center to provision our projects from a standard "PROJECT TEMPLATE".…
Easily Navigate to Dashboard Widget Data Source
I often have to navigate to the data source of a dashboard widget to make updates, however there is not a direct link to the data source, and sometimes the naming of the source does not make it easy or clear to find. It would be very helpful if there was a button next to data source to "Open Data Source in a New Tab" or…
Dynamic View - Visibility of Attachments & Comments
Dynamic View does not seem as user-friendly as in regular view/ sheet mode. Dynamic view - The attachments including photos are not viewable straight away as a small preview as they are in sheet view. It seems you need to download the image every time you need to view it. It also means when you view multiple photos, you…
Filtering columns by Color
Using either conditional formatting or manually selecting a background color for a cell, it would be great if we could then sort or filter a column by a specific color. There could be numerous use cases for this including "highlighting changes made to a specific column that we want to filter on instead of using the…