Allow DataMesh to Update Multiple Targets
Often we have multiple sheets that are identical to one another - differing only by region, product or project. All, or most, of the columns are identically named and the sheets will share master data. Currently a DataMesh can only be linked to one Target Sheet. It would be terrific if multiple target sheets could be…
Account Color Palletes
I would love the ability to add a larger org color palette that is applied not just to new sheets but dashboards and reports. Being able to add the entire companies palette across all items would also help reduce time in creating by not having to manually have employees add the palette. I have already set up my company's…
Have message and subject title still be present when send 7 or more notifications
The current setup groups rows in the email notification no matter how many were triggered and sent unless it is just a single row triggered. This makes it inefficient when trying to send out a large number of notifications and capturing responses. The only options are to trigger less than 7 rows at a time or do trigger one…
Validate Email Domains
In a form, it would be great to be able to set up a validation that would not allow certain email domains (such as @gmail.com or @yahoo.com).
Display all text in the Conversations panel without having to click "More"
I use Conversations heavily to offload all of my older status updates entered in the Notes column to keep the main sheet view concise, so I'm constantly appending new text to the Conversations window for individual rows. Awhile back, the UI changed to shrink the visible entries to just a few lines so that you have to click…
Selecting Collaborator type when testing automation
I work on a number of different reports and I usually am testing what I create by myself. When I have locked rows and users that have different collaborator types, I typically have to find someone who isn't busy in my organization to help me test and make sure they are seeing things as I would like them to be able to see…
Admin Ability to Transfer Ownership of WorkApps
The Smartsheet System Admins should have the ability to transfer ownership of WorkApps. When people that own a WorkApp are let go, there access is removed and the WorkApps need to be transfered to someone else just like all of the other Smartsheet Items.
Organizing Files/Pages in WorkApp - Headers and Sections
I would love to be able to better organize my left-hand navigation panel in WorkApps so it looks less like a dump of pages and more like a mini-website nav panel. Perhaps being able to add a "header" with a drop-down option? Or maybe even just add lines to separate types of files? I absolutely LOVE using WorkApps, but this…
Organizing Attachments by Folders
I am trying to use Smartsheet to manage several grant programs, from the application process to post-award reporting. The platform lends itself to do this easily, but one nuisance is having to deal with a lot of attachments without any way to organize them. It would be so much easier if we were able to organize attachments…
Group Management - add pending users to group
Adding new members to Group Management should be expanded in functionality to: 1) allow new members to be looked up via name or email (not just email) and 2) allow a person to be added to a group even if they have not yet acknowledged their Smartsheet invitation. That way, you can add and manage group in advance without…