Links from a sheet need to be clickable in DynamicView Details Panel
Links from a sheet show properly in a DynamicView View Display. They are clickable (which prevents the Detail Panel from opening!) When the Details Panel does open, the link turns into regular text and is not clickable. If the link was originally a manually created hyperlink, it is clickable. However, this behaviour makes…
In-House QR Code Generator
I've already shared this idea with the development team and they liked the idea, but I'm curious to see how the community would receive this as well. There seems to be more and more users in the Smartsheet community that are using QR codes with forms. It's not a difficult process with so many free or paid QR code…
Include date/timestamp next to last comment
Include date and/or timestamp next to the last comment displayed in the cell to quickly reference when the last comment was created. Enable this as an option.
Translate multiple-select items to individuals rows
Please consider updating Smartsheet so that when someone selects multiple options in a multiple-select drop down on a form, each selection will populate into a new row in the primary grid with all of the original single select information also included. For example, if someone is signing up to attend both lecture 1 and…
Drag and Drop Emails
Hi, It would be incredibly useful to be able to drag and drop emails direct from Outlook into a form instead of saving the email somewhere and then adding. We use forms a lot and this adds time for each submission Thanks Gavin
Permission Sets would be amazing
As our company's Smartsheet Admin, it's a bit of a struggle that there is no granularity between Editor and Admin within a sheet or workspace. Many of my users need to be able to do things like create reports/dashboards, set up their own Automations, etc. within their own data, but if I grant them full Admin rights, it is…
Owner/Admin View for Workspaces (Hide unused Workspaces)
As our company admin for Smartsheet, I typically deploy all-new Project Workspaces - this provides me with the opportunity to assist team members if they become stuck, or have an issue; I can then problem-solve with them within their workspace. This leads to an issue where I have many, many Workspaces visible, of which I…
Hide non-working days in GANTT Views
I would be good to have an option to NOT display the non-working days when in GANTT view in a Sheet or Report. By displaying the weekends and holidays, This could be achieved by changing the Project Settings, in either Timeline Display or Dependency Settings (under edit Non-working days) as a checkbox. Without this option,…
Column border style
Hello! Just a simple idea that might be interesting for other users. When you have many columns with different categories, there is no simple way to make a visual distinction that allows you to "group" data vertically. So far, what I'm doing is to create a "fake" border using an empty column with background color. This has…
Sheet Summary Formatting - Sections with Headers, Dividers
I use sheet summaries often to help my team quickly see what the overall metrics are for a given sheet. I wish you could format the sheet summary to create sections. If I'm measuring three different types of metrics on a single sheet, it would be wonderful if I could create sections within the sheet summary for each of…