I've seen other requests and am looking for data about number os users who visit the page. Is this possible? Simple data like on a sharepoint site - just number of unique users per day. viewable in a chart and downloadable into an excel. We use a calendar to publish date and company happenings - would like to be able to…
Add the last comment field from JIRA into the connector
The last comments field in JIRA is not a selectable option in the connector. It would be beneficial to add the last comments field which provides valuable information. It defeats the purpose to have to go back to JIRA to see the last comments.
Comment Field sync with JIRA Connector - currently unsupported
One of the key functionalities with the JIRA connector to Smartsheet is the ability to have information and updates flow bi-directionally from JIRA to Smartsheet for project tracking. Without the ability to sync the 'comments' field from JIRA to Smartsheet, we lose a big part of the efficiency of having them connected.…
Connection between Data Table and Control Center
I have a lot of project data stored in a data table. As I have Control Center generate new projects, I would like to be able to pull reports or information from Data Table to populate sheets in the project. This would include creating a table connection table to a sheet in my Blueprint, then having it populate the…
Create your own template for Report and Dashboard
Have the option to 'File-> Save as Template' in a report or dashboard like you can do with a sheet.
Date Formula: Calculate the number of days in a specific month between two dates
I'm working on a program tracker that includes revenue forecasting in each month. Project durations can range from one week to six months or more and I want the revenue to be forecasted evenly over the duration of the project. A date formula that calculates the number of days in a specific month between two dates would be…
Summary Sheet Modified Time
I use summary sheets to capture high level project status information. I understand i can use the [Modified] formula to capture when any of the individual smart sheet rows were last modified. I would like a formula that captures when the summary sheet fields where last updated.
Allow Simple Markdown formatting in Summary fields
Hello - I would like the capability to add basic formatting markup to the sheet summary fields. for example, if have a field called "Project Status" I would like to be able to add bold to some of the text. For example : Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide Would not need all of the markdown options but some basic bullets, bold,…
Mobile numbers not aligned accurately to Country
Hi Multiple issues with the form, added a spot for mobile number and country code, having issues with Australia, Germany, UAE, Columbia (not pre-loaded) et al. sent two emails about the situation. Makes it complex to send out a form to 500+ from around the globe, with inaccurate compilation of important data.
Document Generation Workflow to Row Contacts
It would be incredibly helpful if I could simply create a workflow to automatically send a generated document to that row's recipient without including the link to the source sheet or requesting an approval or signature.