Change Cell Value workflow: Include symbols
Use case: When a new project is created, we want the initial project health to be a green symbol. The Change Cell Value workflow does not include Symbol type columns, only text/number, single select drop downs, and checkbox columns. Can we include Symbol columns in this workflow as an enhancement?
Validation Phone prefix countries missing
When adding a Field in a Form and adding a Validation Phone, there are several missing countries: Croatia, Indonesia, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Serbia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Uruguay and others. Would it be possible to check and update?
Customize Account Invitation Email
Currently, when users are invited to join a Smartsheet account they receive a standard, system-generated email with no custom message. This has resulted in some users contacting the sender or a Smartsheet administrator, if they know one, to ask whether the email is legitimate or a form of phishing malware. The system…
Collaborative and real-time editing
If multiple users end up editing the same cell without realizing, the last change that was saved overwrites the other. All editors should be able to view the current cell that is being edited and should be able to lock them as they continue to edit.
Card View in Dynamic View
Can you please introduce card view as an visualization option in Dynamic view? Our users really like card view for quickly organizing data visually, however, we're unable to present this view in dynamic view, which is how we're trying to give secure access to the data instead of giving them view only access to the sheet.
Automation on Sheet Summary Fields
Workflow/automation based on sheet summary fields. One scenario - count of all cells, send a warning if the sheet is close to max. (Do not want helper column as that increases the count.)
Add the ability to do an "Or" condition in Dynamic Views
Currently Dynamic Views ONLY allow for "And" conditions. Adding the "Or" Condition would save alot of extra helper columns.
Improved User Auto-Provisioning
It would be great to be able to specify some additional options for user auto-provisioning: Have the ability to add auto-provisioned users to Groups automatically - Being able to add new users to an "All Employees" group automatically would mean they could have access to some resources by default. In my case, users…
Enable Comment Permission Level in Workapps
Please provide a permission option in Workapps that enables a user to Comment on a sheet without being able to edit the sheet. In 2021, Smartsheet released the ability for Workapps users to comment. However, since there is no view + comment level of permission in Workapps, a user needs to have Edit permissions in WorkApps…
Use initials instead of username for display
It would be great to be able to replace my full user name (which is kind of long) with initials when displaying on the sheet. Using the "latest comment" column, my name takes up a a lot of screen space.