User Defined Fields for SysAdmins
Hi all, Our Enterprise user base has expanded globally. I am often asked how many users are from xx country or provide all users outside of NorAm. We capture this when users request the product but it would be much easier if this could be a field available when the user is provisioned. We would also be able to setup a…
Shortcut or workflow to enter comments
Hi, regarding the latest comment feature, there should be a more convenient way to contribute to comments from within the sheet. right clicking or opening the side panel is a tedious to do at volume. being able to launch the comment section when clicked on would be ideal. i have seen others asking for this since 2018/2019.…
Pivot Table Like UI For Creating Metrics in Sheet Summaries
In Excel you can customize formulas and drag and drop the information you want int Rows, Columns, Filters, etc... via Pivot Tables to build data points and summaries of large amonts of data. If we could bring this functionality to Smartsheet's Sheet Summary with the help of the recent LLM functionalities implemented for…
Freeze Column Headers on Reports
provide an option to freeze column headers on reports so that they also do so on Dashboards. Helpful for reports that require scrolling.
Connection with Onit via Data Connector
I'd like to connect Smartsheet with Onit via Data Connector. This would eliminate manual work and human error and would be much more efficient to the current process (downloading excel spreadsheets from Onit and creating worksheets in Smartsheet, to track progress and include all details on the dashboard). Thanks!
Dynamic View - Description AND Comments Rich Text Formatting
Being able to format the information in the description pane and Comments. At the moment anything more than 100~200 words is very difficult to follow. Bold/Italic/Underline Hyperlink Ordered/Unordered lists Basically, the same formatting options available when posting an idea in this forum.
Organize Automated workflows
For sheets that have a ton of workflows (50+) it would be nice if we could organize the workflows in more ways than currently offered. I have to scroll for quite a while to see all of the workflows and it is easy to miss the one you're looking for. Could there be another way to view, single lines with pertinent info?
Joint Report (like joint query)
If I have a project and roles in each project. So, if I have a project details sheet, and project ID to role details sheet. Each project many have many rows in the role details sheet. Can we have a way so we can merge the two sheets in the reports so each row displays the columns based on where that column is coming from…
Sort Control Center Programs in Alphabetical Order
I would love the ability to sort my many Control Center programs in alphabetical order.
Streamline Sheet Reference Manager
I just went through an update where I needed to manually add 3 new sheet references to 26 Stakeholder Registers (78 total). I wish that after you click Insert Reference, the Sheet Reference Manager dialog box would remain open.