Specifying multiple row locations when using update_rows() API
It would be super helpful (significantly reduce API calls and transactions if we could update multiple row locations when we update rows. Sending indented rows is helpful. However it becomes very time consuming when each indentation is a separate API call.
Resource Management Adjustable Column Width
Make the column width adjustable by users
Maximum Allowable Time per Day in Resource Management
Please make it possible for the maximum allowable time entry per day to be higher than 24. This would help us a lot to be able to continue using Resource Management as we were. This change just happened some weeks ago. Just a box to be able as an admin to turn the restriction off would help us a lot. Many thanks in…
Create an alert when there is no activity in the sheet
If there is no activity in the sheet in the past "X" days, we should be able to create an automation to alert someone. It is really important for the sheets that are updating automatically so if the automation is broken, the user can be notified,
Admin Center User Management
Currently the only way to access User lists are to export them into excel. Create a way so these reports can be viewed in a sheet for easy analysis. Use case is we would split costs for licensed users to their home cost centers. Now it's a manual process in excel rather than one in Smartsheet.
PDF Thumbnails or gallery view
Finder 'mac' and File Explorer 'windows' have one up on smartsheet in the ability where you can look for the pdf needed by its thumbnail image. This is particularly useful for me with 2D technical drawings. Being able to view attachments with thumbnails or gallery view would be a massive advantage.
WorkApps User Access List Report
Can I run a WorkApps User Access List Report? I'd like it to include: Name of User User E-mail Address Name of WorkApp Access Name of Dashboard Access Roles This would really help manage who and how we share our WorkApps. Thank you, Sean
Umbrella project
I need the ability to create an umbrella project and link subprojects and also have dependencies bet sub projects
Hint text or Smartsheet annoucement
I would like to have a feature such as a hint text for certain columns. or on the top of the row, we can input some announcement such as how to use this sheet or some instruction. Thank you.
Ability to Move Child Rows to Different Sheets Without Breaking Hierarchy
My team is currently hindered by not having the ability to maintain hierarchy while moving child rows to a different sheet than the parent row. I have built a complex system in Smartsheet and so far this is the only problem I have not been able to solve. Hoping this will become a possibility in the future!