For-Each loops in Bridge within a workflow
In Bridge, to do a For-Each loop you must currently spin up a child workflow and pass that workflow the array of data that you want to evaluate. This is fairly awkward and unintuitive and causes delays while Bridge attempts to start more workflows. Much better would be a "junction" type for For-Each loops that would bring…
Bi-directional celllinking
Currently, when cell links are created, the updates have to originate from the source cell, and then propagate through the subsequent links. Particularly in a Control Center setup, you can have 3 or more sheets that link (from the intake sheet, to a metadata sheet and then to the project plan, is one example). As an…
Parent Child Relation in Dynamic View
It would be really handy to be able to display the parent child hierarchy the same way it is shown on the main sheet with just the data on the dynamic view of the sheet. I have a dynamic view where all completed and cancelled status projects show up, and would like them parent/child to be displayed as it is on the main…
Data Validation Dropdown Lists - Simple Feature
I would like to make a list of all my organizations open projects on one sheet, then use that list for a "Dropdown List - column" on multiple other sheets so that the user can select the correct project from this list rather than enter it in free-hand (without reference). The "dropdown list" must be updated automatically…
Removing the "Comments" tab from Reports
Hello, everyone! Automated Reports that export as an Excel file attachment come with the report on one worksheet tab and a second worksheet tab called "Comments." I don't need the "Comments" worksheet, but there is no setting to remove it. Can we add that as a setting?
Ability to drag/drop multiple documents in Dynamic View
Currently not able to fully use our Dynamic Views because the user is limited to uploading one attachment at a time vs. the ability to drag/drop multiple documents and the user experience is not up to par for the stakeholders involved.
Filtering comments in proofing workflows
In large proofing workflows, it can be very time consuming when navigating thru comments. Please add a filter. Suggestions like, by date, by person, read/unread status.
Option to duplicate a sheet and retain Change History
I would like to be able to create a copy of a sheet that retains the change history of the original sheet - most specifically/importantly, the Cell History. Using Save as New... does not retain any change history.
Smart Dropdown Lists
It would be great to be able to create a form dropdown list based on the contacts in a table. Instead of having to scroll though multiples and if the list of contacts changes the dropdown list adjusts as well.
Allow User to Expand the Text Box for Customize Messages in Automations
Please add the ability to expand the text box when writing text for a customized message that is part of an automation. In most software, this means an option to click on the bottom right corner of the box and drag it out to expand it. It is helpful to see the entire message when drafting it, and later when reviewing or…