Admin Control: Turn on / off banner messages from Smartsheet
The recent SSO banner message has raised more questions / chaos for our company than it helped. Other banners also cause confusion. We should have an admin control to turn these on / off globally. A nice to have is a switch by message where we could turn on/off.
Allow the Import of Comments
When importing an excel file into Smartsheets, allow the comments tab to be added as well.
EXTRACT function: select data between defined tags
Create an EXTRACT function to extract data between defined beginning and end tags. =EXTRACT(start string, end string, target cell/range) USE CASE While there are many use cases for this function, I see it as a way to facilitate “lightweight” cross-sheet referencing. This function would allow you to package data from one…
Resource Management: Delegate Approval Permission (Time Sheets)
The ability to nominate someone to be the delegated approver for a team leaders team members should be made available on the occasion they are unavailable for a period of time (PTO or otherwise) Example: Team Leader goes on holidays for 2 weeks, delegates one of their team members to approve time sheets for the team while…
Forms: Contact List Default Setting Current User
When adding a contact list field to a form. I have noticed the need for an option of current user as a default setting. Some forms are repetitive and require an email often times that of the user filling out the form. This would greatly enhance the form experience and optimize user time.
Increase Image Export Capacity Beyond 100 Rows
Hi there, We utilize Smartsheet reports for dozens of lists compiled from our master list of information. Those reports are then exported to PDF and the current problem is that the images needed for each row are not carried over to the exported report. Given the initial reason for limiting the export to 100 was back in…
Control Center Project Link - Global Change to Rename & HyperLink Change
Please consider added Control Center global change functionality to be able to rename the project links for already provisioned projects. In addition add a control center global change to be able to change the associated hyper link for the already provisioned projects. I run a control center blueprint program for a large…
Dashboard Enhancement: copy & hide elements to share externally
Hello Smartsheet Product Team! Is there anyway we can get a feature where folks can create one dashboard and then be able to make a copy and hide elements of the dashboard to share externally with customers without having to update and / or create copies of the underlying sheets and reports? That would save a TON of time…
Add colours the header row
Would be nice to colour to the header row instead of creating a duplicate header row in row 1 and adding colours.
More than 50 dynamic scope reports in Control Center blueprint
My staff need to edit their tasks and resourcing assignments in the same place. But also need filtered report views specific to team area. That means it's critical that we are able to utilize more than the hard limit of 50 dynamic scope reports for a blueprint. We could easily utilize 100-150 DSR if that limitation was…