Convert Quarters to Date
I have a list of dates that are Quarter/year (in a format like Q4 2031, Q1 2038, etc.) and would like to use a formula to show the last date in the quarter. So: Q1 2031 = 03/31/2031 Q2 2027 = 06/30/2027 Q3 2033 = 09/30/2033 Q4 2035 = 12/31/2035 I would appreciate help creating the appropriate statement!
Template / Themes for Conditional Formatting
I would love to be able to be able to apply a conditional formatting template to any sheet I wished - much like a design theme in Office 365. And - if I change a rule, it would change it for all the sheets using that template. Can you imagine? How wonderful!
Conditional Drop-Down lists?
Is there a way to create a conditional drop-down list without using a form, and only using a sheet? We do not have the license level to create a data table. Example: Product selected from first list (one column): Internet Access Internet Access type selected from second drop-down list (second column): Fiber Dedicated,…
Export Timeline View
Timeline is such a good feature, with a straightforward entry, as well as color edit. What isn't available is being able to export it on to PowerPoint or Excel. When is that coming?
Create chatgpt and other LLMs integration connector
Companies are adopting LLMs, either popular options, or their own versions built in house. It would be a useful feature to create API/Connectors similar to Jira Connector, allowing users to connect their Smarsheet account to their preferred LLM (either a popular choice or an in-house option) inside smartsheet. A company…
Undo Function After Saving
Smartsheet should still allow us to undo after a sheet/report autosaves. This has really frustrated me. As I'm trying out certain things on my sheets, smartsheet will autosave and it totally screws me over. Also, I'm shocked y'all don't have a restore function - where we can restore sheets to an older version if someone…
Ability to "undo" is removed whenever the sheet saves
Whenever the sheet saves (automatically or otherwise), all ability to undo is taken away. This causes problems when you are troubleshooting a formula and you cannot undo to a time when it worked properly.
Adding columns from different sheets to the Report
I have a Report that i have been using for some time, and I add and remove columns from the source sheet with the formula and color-coded status. I would like to include the column from a different sheet, also with formula and color-coded status. All it does it pasts the collum and the title but no cell context (column…
Countifs formula not returning a value.
Challenge: Countifs formula is not returning a value from a cross sheet. Any help would be so greatly appreciated. Summary: I am trying to pull in counts for a specific month and status for an application. The formula doesn't state any errors but it doesn't return the values. Formula: =COUNTIFS($Name18, {Status}, [JAN…
Issues with passing JSON values
This discussion was created from comments split from: Point me in the right direction - Troubleshooting API.