Dynamic View: Why will a field not show in the display panel, despite being in the logic
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows or has come across this before. I have been developing a Dynamic View version of one of my sheets. The aim is to make certain fields show up based on where we are in our process. For example, I have created a logic which says that when a certain point in the process is reached, to show…
DataTable Connection fails to transfer records when filter conditions change due to time passing
Hello, Some or all DataTable Connections do not automatically transfer data to the destination sheet under this condition: Filter: <Field name> is greater than <#> days from today Today the filter shows no result The next day, the sheet shows no data but the filter shows there should records transferring. If you manually…
Power BI connects to Smartsheet stop working
All my Power BI reports connected to Smartsheet stop working since Fri, I can see the list of all Smartsheets, but when try to click on any of that got the error msg Expression.Error: We cannot apply field access to the type Null. Details: Value= Key=rows
Dynamic view: Dropdown values in the Field Logic panel are not available to choose
Dynamic view is created based on the report object. Dropdown column added to the report. Issue: a list of possible values is not available in the 'Field logic' panel (screenshot 1). However, for a few of dropdown fields it works (screenshot 2). What could be a reason?
Why is Dynamic View allowing me to build logic based off one set of dropdown values but not another?
I have a Dynamic View built from a report of multiple sheets. I am able to build logic in the DV based off a set of dropdown fields from one set of the sheets, as shown here: But when I try to do the same for another set of the sheets in the report, which has dropdown fields set up exactly the same way, there are no values…
Generate Document Mapping Questions
Hello, I have set up an automatic workflow to generate a document to a fillable PDF. The first page fits within the appropriate cells. However, the second page makes the font either too big or it flows off the page. Is anyone else experiencing this issue or know how to resolve? Thank you!
Calendar subscription not showing on all user iPhone/Mobile Outlook app
Hello supersmart community! I have a calendar view that has a link we can subscribe to in our Outlook calendars. Works great. The issue is that some users cannot add it to their Outlook app on their smartphone. It should show up like the image below, but it's not there or in any other calendar lists. They have subscribed…
proof creation only working in portfolio workapp
We recently tested creating a proof from both a standard workapp as well as the portfolio workapp that control center creates. I can upload the file from the standard workapp, but the invitation process does not work. I can fill out email and subject, click invite, but nothing happens. From the portfolio workapp, I can…
Publish a calendar showing times through 3rd party integration
Looking for a way to publish calendars to outlook and have them display at the correct times, not as all day events. Based on community post review, I am assuming the following: It is not currently possible to store a time in a date column (although the created/modified columns have that ability) Published calendars show…
How to send an attachment and NOT the link to the attachment using a form
How to send an attachment and NOT the link to the attachment using a form. The form only provides a link (non clickable) to the attachment. I want to be able to send the attachment that is added to the form