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Discussion List
Multiple emails for a single "My Smart Sheet Contacts" contact
Hello, As I am entering emails for account (each row) I have an email column which I later plan to output into excel with first and last name and then import into My Smartsheet Contacts, unless someone suggests a better way to do this. Is there a way to have more than 1 email for each contact. Many of my contacts are…
statistics on multi projetcs
Hello, I am working on many project and my boss want me to say which task is finish in advance, in time or late compare to the initial date calculated. ex: when the project is finished we want to know which tasks are good and which are wrong. the task drawing start the 2015 01 01 and must be finish the 2015 01 30 if the…
Gantt Chart Dependency Settings - Choosing new date range display columns deletes the formulas in th
Hi; When I choose columns (which includes formulas) for the "Start date column" and "End date column" in the "Edit Gantt Settings->Dependency Settings" dialog, formulas in the cells of newly selected columns ("Date range display" options) are being deleted automatically. Is there a way to prevent this? Note: I need to swap…
Mapping App Questions
I have two things I'm trying to accomplish with the Map App, 1) The first time I did it I got a list of individual properties on the RH column so I could check/uncheck the addresses I want displayed on the map, now its gone and I don't know how to get it back. There is just a total # and select all option. 2) This is for…
duration adjusted for resource Allocation %
We would like to be able to keep track of absolute effort (in days), but the Duration column that effects End Date, should be adjusted for Allocation %. So if a resource is allocated 10% on a task estimated at 1 day, it would actually take 10 days (duration) of wall clock time. May be a formula where Duration = Effort…
Change colour scheme and logo
I want to change just one sheet, not all. I have moved it to a workspace. Anyone have any ideas as to whether this is possible? So far, my experience would say no!
Not for Profit and Charity users
Are there many other not for profit organisations (charities) using Smartsheet and if so how do you maximise its use for your purposes?
Gantt Chart Navigation
When I set the timeline of Gantt Charts to "Primary heading: Weeks" and "Secondary heading: Days" I cannot past the last process step while scrolling on the X Axis. Is there a way to do that? A little bit more freedom on the X axis navigation would be welcome.
Discussion entries to clean up?
Hi Travis It looks like a chinese entry has been duplicated by accident? So can I suggest you remove the surplus entries do the discussions are more easily read? Thanks Rchard Rymill
Reporting - % Complete filter not working?
Tried to filter for tasks that are LESS Than 100% complete, however 100% tasks are displaying.