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Discussion List
cell linking
Is there anyway to cell link in templates? or Template to sheet? or just sheet to sheet? trying to keep annual running records for monthly reports?
Recurring Reminders
Team, Is there any way to set up recurring reminders on individual tasks? Thanks you!
Sharing Multiple Sheets
I want to send a link to a few people who are shared on multiple sheets. I tried following the steps in setting up a workspace but I can't find how to add several already created sheets. I don't want to send them individual emails for each sheet this will be too confusing for them.
Conditional formatting for checkboxes
Hi! I'm writing a smartsheet for basically keeping track of a checklist - I was wondering how to write the nested conditional formatting (like for Harvey Balls) but with a checklist. So if rows 4-7 in the "Complete" column are all ticked then the box in row 3 will be ticked. I'm happy with the formula needed but don't know…
Formula headache - Do not show SUM result if a cell in this SUM is left empty -
For an event budget I've added a column invoice. The SUM =SUM([Subtot inc BTW]8 - Factuur8) compares the quotation with the invoice However I'd like to find a way that the column only shows the result of the SUM after an invoice ammount is typed in. Since a lot of cells are left blank in the column invoice the above SUM…
exact match formula in Smartsheet
Hi, has anyone had any luck using an exact match formula is Smartsheet? I have two columns that have text in them. I want the 3rd column to tell me if column 1 and 2 are an exact match or not. I know how to do it in excel =Exact(A1:B1) but not sure how to set up in Smartsheet. Also, can you apply a formula to an entire…
Transfer ownership of a sheet
We have a new licensed user and I need to transfer ownership of a sheet I created to her. However, when I go in to do so from the User Management option it's not clear to me if it is going to transfer ALL of my sheets to her, or if once I click "OK" on her name if it will then let me choose which sheet(s) to transfer.…
Collaborator access by row
We are using Smartsheet as an opportunity tracking tool. I would like to give partners outside of our company access to only certain rows in the sheet. The update request functions works really well, but that's only for one update at a time. Is it possible to keep that link open indefinitely?
Dragging attachments to rows
Good day, Dragging Docs/Photos to the Row attachments pop-up does not seem to work. The only way is to locate file in Finder. Is this a known issue?
Using attachments in a row
I'm using SmartSheet merge with Google Docs. Is it possible to merge row attachments, like a photo, into Google Docs? Google Docs aside - is it possible to pull photos from SmartSheet in any way?