Can Smartsheet import live stock or historical currency exchange rates?
For expenses sheets it would be very useful to lookup fx rates based on the expense date for calculating local currency to reference currency amounts easily. Thanks
Web Form - Weekly Project Updates
Is there a way to create a WebForm that would allow my Project managers to do Weekly updates on each "sheet" or project? If so, Can that information be placed in a central point? It appears I can only create a webform that update to a row in a sheet? Any thoughts, advice or comments would be appreciated. Sincerely, Scott S.
Locking a Summary Row
Hello, Is it possible to have a summary row at the top of my sheet that is "locked" sort of. Meaning, when i filter on certain criteria, the summary row will only total that criteria.??
Accessing sheets from several folders of the Home tab?
In the Home tab, how can I locate sheets in different folders or workspaces*? For example I would like to be able to access a sheet from any folder "Geographic\USA" and "Pharma\Dermatology" because, say, it is about Dermatology for the US market. * Workspaces have accesses attached to them so it might be difficult to…
ideas for department wide status report
The director of our department wants to use Smartsheet to consolidate status reports across multiple managers showing the latest status update for a Task(Row). We could do this in one sheet, but we want to be able to have historic (older) updates for the Task stay on the sheet. My idea is for each mnager to have his/her…
Can you upload multiple responses into a webform?
Hi ~ I created a webform that will collect information going forward, but I have historical info I'd also like to import into the sheet itself. Is it possible to do this? So far I only see how to import a sheet itself, or add an attachment, but not import data into an existing sheet. Granted, I'm a new user. :-) Thanks! Jen
Task completion updates
Hi, I have created a production schedule sheet which is viewed by the guys in the workshop. I'm trying to find the best way for them to give me updates on task completion. I dont want to give them editor access to the sheet because this them the ability to change the row details (resource). I have a %complete coulmn which…
sorting problem
My Smartsheet keeps resetting to a seemingly random sort order each time I save. I've manually resorted the sheet using two criteria (the main column--Author--then another column--Title) but when I save and refresh, the sheet resets again. What can cause this?
Is there a way a Viewer user add a comment to a discussion bubble?
Hi! I have a smartsheet with open tasks for our client that we are working on. I would like the client to be able to see the smartsheet but with these conditions: - that she can't edit the text of the rows - that she can't move the rows around - BUT she can add a comment to a discussion bubble (or elsewhere in the sheet if…
Web Forms in Workspaces
I'm wondering if it's possible to save Web Forms to Workspaces? For instance, we will be starting a Workforce for our agency, and would like certain Web Forms to live there (IT Ticket Requests, etc.). Is this currently available? Thanks!