Time Formats
Is it possible to do times in Smartsheet? For complex projects, the Gantt chart really needs to have a time capability so that critical tasks can be scheduled by the hour, minute, etc.
Date-based formulas now broken across 100+ sheets
As a result of the latest release and supposed "formula enhancements", we now have more than 100 client-facing project sheets whose "status" column is entirely broken. Previously our status column looked at the task Start Date, End Date, and Target Date, and intelligently spit out a text value such as Due Soon, In…
Problem with Orientation of Attached Photos
Recently our attached photograph files have been displaying only in the landscape/horizontal orientation when previewed. When we open the attachment it is oriented correctly in the vertical/portrait orientation. We thought this may be a glitch in the preview feature.
can we assign a shortcut to the adding a row below the current row. that would be awesome
can we assign a shortcut to the adding a row below the current row. that would be awesome, or choosing to take the shortcut from adding a row above and using that as it.
FEATURE REQUEST: Save as Draft when Sending Rows
I would like to be able to save a Send Row email as a draft. Why? Sometimes after starting to compose the email I realize I need to change some data in the row. Currently I have to cancel the Send, make the changes in the row and then start my email all over again. If I've written a decent sized body I will copy and paste…
Attachment Folder Heirarchy
Hi Gang, I'm new to Smartsheet so I apologize if this has been asked and answered. We need to have a folder heirarchy in the Attachments. Larger projects have a lot of documentation and having a flat file for attachments is getting cumbersome. Is there a way to create a folder structure for project documents? Thanks in…
Problems with formula AVGW
Hi The formula AVGW is not working anymore with the column duration. I mean when we write: AVGW(CHILDREN([% Planned]8), CHILDREN(Duration8)) and duration is in days 1d, 2d, etc... the formula doesn't count the column duration as a number. This starts after the Smartsheet update!
Webform calendar question!
I'm a brand new user so please, be patient I created a very simple webform to send to employees to pick dates they could work a certain event. HOW, once the date is no longer available can it be removed as a choice? Any and all help would be so appreciated! Thanks
How to autopopulate a column with formulas such that when a new line is inserted, it is automaticall
How to autopopulate a column with formulas such that when a new line is inserted, it is automatically filled in and calcuated?
Wrike-like, Graphical / Quick Entry View / Single Pane of Glass UI?
Hi, I'm new to SmartSheet. It seems very powerfull, I love the cloud-app integrations, etc. But I find it lacking a Wrike-like or Wunderlist-like view or interface vs the always on spreadsheet-like interface. i.e. The spreadysheet is powerful but I want a single-pane-of-glass view where there's 1) a quick task-entry form…