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Discussion List
Template for Capital Raise
I'm new to the community and Smartsheet . Does anyone have a template for a capital raise or know of one that I may use? We're a start-up raising our first round and I need to keep track of to whom our investor docs have been given, who on my team introduced us and next steps. Thanks for your help!
Web Form character limit
What is the character limit for responses entered into a multi-line text box in a Webform?
deleted rows - is there way to find out who
How can we tell who deleted a row in a sheet?
Outlook to gmail
Hi, My company has just moved from Outlook to Gmail. Outlook had this great functionality where I could add a row to a smartsheet from any email (see attached). Is it possible to get gmail to do the same? Thanks Laura
Date Format yyyy-mm-dd
Hi all. I've found the numerous help articles describing the Date Format being controlled by your \Account\Personal Settings\Language (Country)\ selection, but as far as I can tell all formats are mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy. I need to format in the ISO standard of yyyy-mm-dd. Has anybody successfully found a way or implemented a…
Updating a reports format from the related smartsheets
I have a report that looks at 30 smartsheets for current task status. On each smartsheet I have conditional formating to change the complete lines color based on a date field and the current date. When I run the report and I know a line should have chane color but hasn't, I open the related smartsheet and the line color…
Linked Resource Allocation Overview Sheet
I'm trying to create an automatically updated linked overview sheet to help my team to better visualize how their task assignements on various projects sometimes overlap. The resource views provided by the Smartsheet Resource view are just not that easy for the team members to parse and so they never use it... The "angry…
Graph API
Hey new member here, are you guys planning to have an API to add graphs to sheets and sights? I've read a few posts on the topic already, is this in the works? Any ETA on that?
cell linking to task adjust end date
I keep linking my cell to a Friday milestone in another sheet. It adjusts my end date for the following monday, and now I no longer have an accurate date in my schedule. Instead of showing up as 1 day, it spans Sat/Sun/Mon, doesnt even include Friday. I can manually move it back to Friday but this of course breaks the…
Great error logs!
hey, this usually goes unoticed but is really much appreciated, I really love the error messaging of the API. I ran into a error 1123 trying to add rows with different parentIds into an existing smartsheet, and I couldn't believe how clear and useful the error message was! I literally had to stop and think of how much time…