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Discussion List
Highlight a column on the calendar (Gantt)
Currently I have the ability to manually add holidays to the Gantt view, which default as non-working days. I would like to be able to mark a calendar das a WORKING or NORMAL day, but still have it highlighted (in a color of my choice) on the Gantt view. Ideally, I could even add a description that would show if I move my…
Reminders on Home Page
Is there any way to have reminders appear on the Home Page? I would like to see reminders for that day + upcoming. Thanks!
Exporting contacts that sheet is shared with
Hi All I have a sheet that is shared with a large number of people. Is there anyway to export the list of who it is shared with into Excel etc please? Thanks Sarah
Updating Rows - by way of existing Webform
Hi all, So I have a simple sheet, webform attached which is working well with no issues. Rather than updating each individual cell ON THE SHEET, can I bring up the row's information as a webform (or something similar) in a way that shows the information in that row (filled in the appropriate places on the 'pop up'…
Embedding URLs in a sheet...
Google Sheet allows this, Microsoft Excel allows this, even EverNote does -- why can't I embed a URL to a bit of text in a SmartSheet? OR, let me "attach" a URL to a row... it's mission critical for us and will have us not use/abandon our license with Smartsheet...
Feature Request: Conditional formatting based on "or" statements (particularly "is blank")
The way the conditional formatting rules are currently written: 1. You can create condtions that are X or Y when X and Y are values that have already been filled in by click on both from the menu. 2. You can create chains of "and" statements based on various condtions such as "is blank" or "greater than" both when you…
Calendar view showing indent hierarchy incorrectly..
Hi there, If you look at the attached image you can see the issue I'm having - the issue is that the line items colored GREEN should appear directly under the gray "Universal masthead design / Tone / Messaging" bar since they are indented in underneath it - see task list on the bottom of the attached image. Instead the…
how to automatically generate task lists
Hi, I'm super new to Smartsheet but have seen a handful of videos and am suggesting it as a solution for a bookkeeping client of mine for task and project management. We have created payroll and non-payroll client engagement templates (found on YouTube by schoolofbookkeeping) in her account to be used for each client and…
PDF export showing a Gantt chart with a different appearance than in the smartsheet
Hi, I tried to export a report using pdf, when I did that The Gantt Chart shows bars which are not the same as in sheets. In the sheets I see the progress bar from Q4 last year to Q3 this year. But in the pdf I only see the a tiny box in Q3 this year. Any help on this. I tried changing the print setting but nothing…
Task Names in Gantt - bleeds off the page
I'm quite new to Smartsheet, and am really struggling with printing Gantt sheets. I have a simple project with 27 tasks, running for 6 month duration. But I can't find a way of printing the gantt without the task names being truncated (the labels that are in the Gantt part of the print itself. I have tried removing the…