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Discussion List
Sanity check needed
For the PM's out there Duration: 1 hour Pred: 23FS - 1h Duration: 1 hour Pred: 23FF should both start and end at the same time (that is start 1 hour before 23 ends and finishes when 23 ends) I'm not missing something there, am I? While the first is allowed, perhaps it should not be as that invalidates the "predecessor must…
Sum values from a column based on whether another column is empty or not
I'm trying to to sum values from the 'Value' column for a particular 'Reference number., but only if a third column ('Confirmation number') has a value. The actual value in the third column is not relevant, just whether it's been completed (confirmed) or not. I've got as far as this =SUMIFS(Value:Value, [Reference…
Sharing a sheet but let him change just the assigned rows
Hi community, is it possible to share a sheet to another person and let the person change just the rows he is assigned to? Kind regards Steve
Sheet Summary Row, with CountIFS to determine % and Dynamic references
Hi all, Seeking Smartsheet Experts....! I have a Company Register with columns to identify documents and expiry dates. e.g. [A] Company Name, [B] License (Checkbox), [C] License Expiry (Date) 1) I want to calculate the summary of a count of All companies that do not have a license? 2) I want to calculate the summary of a…
Best/Good Practice request: Resource Leveling
Another better practice looking for. How do you handle completed tasks and resource leveling? If there is a 8 hour task scheduled for this week and the person knocks if off on Tuesday, they aren't needed on Wed-Fri at 20%. For long term planning, I'd really like to know the task took 8 hours and that the person did it in…
Adding attachments with iPhone app
is it possible when using the iPhone app to add attachments to a sheet other than photos. For example to take a file from Onedrive and add it as an attachment to a row on a sheet.
Week numbers in Gant
Hi, its me again! Can you Gantts start the week on a Monday. I'm assuming that most users of Smartsheet are businesses where the working week starts on a Monday... Could this be configurable by sheet? When talking to customers they always refer to a week by the Monday so it would be useful to have this in sync. Andy
Report Request: Show new discussions added within a time period
I would like to be able to publish any rows that have recieved new comments over the past 7 days along with what those comments are. Is that possible?
REFERENCIA: Time Tracker for Client Projects with Form AND =SUM(CHILDREN())
cuando modifico esta plantilla usando insertando lineas arriba o hacia abajo, las letras resultan de color rojo, al respecto , que debo hacer para solucionar este inconveniente. gracias espero tu respuesta
Counter on Report
Is there a way to add a column to a report? I have multiple SmartSheets managing Test Scripts in multiple functional groups and I want to create a bug report for the developer that searches them all and only shows them the "Fails", but I would like the failures to get a unique identifier. Is it possible to add a column…